Air guns, archery equipment, and slingshots would all be good things to have in a survival situation. For air guns, stock plenty of ammo, spare parts such a seals and springs, lube, cleaning kits, special tools, targets, protective eye wear, and anything else that might be useful. For archery, stock several cheap fiberglass youth type bows in the 20-30 lb. range, plenty of arrows, broad heads, judo points, blunts, and field points, spare strings, stringers, targets, quivers, arm guards, finger tabs, etc. For slingshots, stock plenty of ammo, spare bands, and targets. A lot of this stuff is available at pawn shops, garage/yard sales, and junk shops for cheap. One thing is I would not stock a BB gun like a Red Ryder for this. They are not powerful enough to take game reliably with. At best you can shoot small birds or rodents with them. Save your firearms for self defense. Robert