The employees where I work became less valuble late last year. They laid off most of them permanently and the ones that got to stay got a 2.00 per hr, or more, pay cut. Lost all overtime. Lost all vacation and holiday pay. Big reduction in health benefits with bigger copays and deductables. Seniority means nothing. Most of the ones that are left are pretty much part-time employees never knowing how much they will work from one week to the next. And if they don't like it, tuff, because there is a hundred guys that want to take your place and they have no where else to go anyway. And the bosses remind you of it all the time with their attitude and treatment. Oh, and did I mention, they cheat them out of their prevailing wage on government funded jobs and just pay them reduced custom wages. That calculates into about a 10.00 per hr difference in wages. This company takes advantage of the bad situation and their employees.
The issues at this company are mostly lack of work and greedy employer. Some wonder if there will be a company next year.