This debate as been tried several times here. Iit always goes on for several pages and nobody changes anybody's opinion.
It gets 'tried' because it is an issue of individual liberty. And because prohibition is very expensive, and has resulting in the deaths and imprisonment of thousands of your fellow citizens, and militarization of police forces, and these things are not good.
on the plus side of this thread/'debate' here... looks like 70/30 in favor of legalization/personal freedom. That's nice.
you said I sounded like an 'addict' for advocating the legalization position. I'd be curious how you came to that conclusion, apart from insult de jour?
I only have trouble understanding some of the excitability over it.
Have trouble understanding, do you? Do you understand why some folks like gin & tonic, some like red wine, some like martinis? Can you understand that? Similar.
Truly, nobody's opinion is I recall each discussion of this, that is almost invariably the way it wears itself out. I was telling the truth, wasn't I!
The process is only costly and problematical because some people eagerly cave in their lives to a stupid weed ! It is not the enforcement of laws which is causing deaths & imprisonments of thousands of is the craving and addiction of these weaker individuals which cause them to willingly break the law! If I speed on the highway at 120 MPH and crash, seriously injuring myself, I must take at least PART of the blame, if not all of it. Not only that, if I take other innocent travellers along with me, that also is my fault and becomes public business. Mind slowing or bending drugs is everybody's business and most of us would opt for the safer route, especially where our families/children are concerned.
So the thread is 70/30 in favor of the dope; polls do not make policy, especially with the small, perhaps special interest sample here.
The question of addiction ! Predicated by such a strident, almost hysterical advocacy for a noxious weed of little positive use ! Would a person advocating for tubed tires over tubeless tires be so excitable and voiciferous as some do when anyone touches upon their beloved dope ? Would the debate go on for several pages ? Would the tubed/tubeless argument be refreshed with a new thread every couple weeks ?
So far as the red wine, gin martinis etc....not all crutches are mde of wood or aluminum..
BTW: Some posts back you gave one poster this retort;
" Not one of them could make a complete thought? But this coming from a guy who can't spell out looses track of, isn't it?"
In all due respect, I suggest you not go there. I have refrained from unnecessarily criticizing such small typographical errors, since that could lead to ridiculous lengths. While I believe my spelling and elocution are quite adequate, I do have very large fingers and often I get extra letters into a word, because I covered 2 keys with one stroke etc. We could get into long, pointless wrangles, were we to get too picayune concerning typos..