Woke up intending to pick something. Took a shot with the Hornet at a clay pigeon at 50-60 yards in the yard. Hunting type shot, offhand, crouch, looking around a tree. It did not break. Somewhat annoyed, I grabbed the 243SL with the Tamer stock and Bushnell 4x POS and went to the range. Found a forearm to put on it as I had robbed the existing one for another project. Had 5 min to get there, 10 min to sight and 5 min to get back home. I put up an NC black dot at 100 yards, and fired 9 shots fairly quickly. The last 3 made a group about 1.5MOA, about 1 inch over the dot. Never hit the dot. That is about zero at 25 and 250 according to my charts. With an SL and a hot barrel, that will do. The range was empty. A guy had been there for a half hour the day before then empty for a week. I found a sighting in target in the garbage can that had over 100 shots on it, all numbered. Got home and went to retrieve the clay pigeon. It had a perfect Hornet size hole drilled through the center. Guess I have 2 choices for Saturday.