Thanks for the defense guys! I didn't go out and dig up something they may have done as a high school kid, such as they did to the O'Donnell gal in Deleware. I didn't look to see if any of them produced illegitimate kids as teenagers either, nor did I probe into their transactions they may have made in family owned businesses..such as car dealers or ranch operators. I just dealt with common knowledge.
Besides, I am not a Republican..but rather a Constitutionalist.
Sometimes I think the Republicans are too wimpy! I remember how without any proof, the Democrats accused GW Bush of cocaine usage and avoiding military service.. the cocaine thing must have come from thin air, while his NG service was obvious...this coming from a crowd who fully backed a guy who admitted drug smoking, avoided the draft..saying he "loathes" the military and lying to the American people as he said, "I did not have sex...."
After the unfounded accusations against Bush and at Dems pressing, Republicans shed themselves of Mark Foley and Larry Craig who were only accused of homosexual advances....Still, the Republicans have never made an issue over the escapades of Barney Frank who boasts of his queermanship, nor his home operated cat house, Tipsy O'Neill and his liking of alky nor Mary Jo Kopechne's death at Teddy's hands...
The Republicans are too winpy. ...And the Democrats..I wonder if there is any perversion so low for them, which will cause them to shed one of their own perverts ?
Have the Dems ever run off a queer, an intern molester (remember Clinton & Jerry studds-liked boys-), a tax evader (half Obama's cabinet)...or just a plain corrupt politician..Rangel or Waters...and during Dukakis' campaign, the Reps never even mentioned Dukakis' wife Kitty, who had a serious alcoholism problem and was hospitalized for drinking rubbing alcohol soon after the election...
How long would John McCain have allowed a huge poster of Che Guverra to be displayed in HIS Houston campaign office ? Come to think of it, since military service was so important to Dems in 2004, why did they not make the same comparisons during the 2008 campaign ?
See; my point is proven, both major parties are not hearing the people..and one of them is morally, completely bankrupt, and the same, morally bankrupt one is always digging the dirt !