calvon brought up a very good point in another thread about how a die sizes compaired to what a chamber is cut at . A lot of new loaders ( and some of us old timers - even
ME ) will sometimes assume that you can just screw the die into the press and then your ready to load and shoot ammo .
This is in most cases not true , the problem arises when your dealing with dies that are not cut with the same reamer's that are used to cut the chamber's . All gun companies have more than one reamer that are used to cut chamber's with , as well as do all die companies , so what does all this mean ?
All reamers , be they chamber or die , are only cut to fall with in a certin spec. range , yet they will very quite a bit , so proper die set-up is key , and part of the set-up is to insure that the brass that is being sized will properly fit the chamber of the weapon that it is to be fired in .
Just something to think about .
PS - calvon , I did the samething awhile back so don't feel like the