There is always a choice. My ancestors stayed right there in the mountains, and they are still there.
1) So do you imply they were the only ones? YOUR ancestors?
2) What makes your's any more special than the others that stayed?
3) They weren't shot because they hid, not out of bravery as you imply. Not everyone had that oportunity to hide. That doesn't make a person brave, just lucky.
4) Since you are so wise in our history, can you name the Anikituhwagi family that became legend because they did fight back? Sure, you can even look it up on line. Heck, I may have even posted the story on here.
5) Please inform us all of how your ancestor's survived the order for all that resisted to be shot, if they made a stand, as you seem to imply.
6) I don't think I'm the only one who resents your saying that those who were forced on The Trail Where All Cried, of which all suffered greatly and one in four died, their bones scattered between the Tennessee River and Indian Teritory, were somehow cowards and less Cherokee than those that hid in the hills!
7) If the point of your last few posts were not all directed directly at me, simply for the sake of baiting because I don't buy into your bull, then please inform us all as to how they pertain to the object of your own thread, as you so often complain to others about getting off subject?
Shootall, if you enjoyed the book then you would probably enjoy the movie.