Describe your president.
Describe you military.
Describe your immigration policies.
Describe your social services.
Describe your education plan.
Describe your taxation plan.
Describe your economy.
Describe your banking/business regulations.
What laws do you want to see removed/added?
Describe your foreign policy.
Describe your trade policies.
Anything else that you think relates.
President: Respect for Constitution and separation of powers. Power limited to exercise of executive power under the Constitution. The President does not "run the country" and is not an economic planner. The president is a representative of the American people, not "immigrants" and other countries.
Military: Volunteer force, well trained, educated and well paid. Military designed for national defense, not for running worldwide imperialist empire. Special emphasis on securing American borders, not borders of Iraq, South Korea, etc.
Immigration policies: Moratorium on all immigration. After that, reform immigration laws to prohibit all non-white immigration and all Muslim immigration. Multi-racial, multi-cultural societies are simply suicidal. They're inherently unstable and dangerous. Quarreling factions are fatal to healthy unified country. Multi-culturalism is suicide. If their third world, non-white "culture" was so wonderful, they would not have to run away from it for a "better life" in the white, European USA. Third world primitives are not capable of creating or maintaining the kind of advanced civilization achieved by European Americans. European Americans should not be forced to subsidize third world hordes and domesticate them at tax payer expense. Militarize the borders of the US and shoot to kill invaders. Pass a "Illegal Alien Removal Act" and "Muslim Removal Act" to round up and expel all illegal hispanics, Somalis, Chinese, etc., and remove all Muslims, whether legal or not. Islam is a criminal conspiracy more akin to organized crime than religion and Muslims should not be allowed to subvert America by wrapping themselves in the flag. IF they don't go peaceably, shoot them.
Social Services: Established at state level, not federal level.
Education: Established, if at all, at state level. No federal involvement in Education. Abolish Dept. of Education. No tax payer funded Black studies, Chicano Studies, Women's Studies, Gay Studies, Transgendered Studies, Holocaust Studies, etc. I would support Federally funded research such as space program, and race neutral physical scientific issues such as fission, super collider, etc. These provide technological bases for economic development and benefit the entire country.
Taxation: No federal income tax. Excise and tariffs only federal taxes. States funded by state taxes. No social engineering with federal tax laws.
Economy: Private property, free exchange, right of contract.
Banking Business regulations: Abolish Federal Reserve and restore Congressional power to regulate the value of money. I would legalize Gold Clauses in contracts and encourage competing currencies to keep the government honest in its management of money and to provide alternative for people to protect their assets.
Foreign Policy: Non-intervention in foreign quarrels and disputes such as Spanish American War, WW1, WW2. The Cold War was a continuation of WW2, which would have remained a limited conflict in Europe if FDR had not conspired to get us involved and to expand a local dispute into a global war. The current wars in the middle east are totally unnecessary. War is the health of the state and the source of a tremendous growth of state power. Bring troops home from Europe, S. Korea. No entangling alliances. No more foreign aid, especially for Israel. No more fighting wars for Israel.
Trade Policies: Bring back the "American System" as established by US Constitution, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, Lincoln, etc. US jobs for US workers. No immigration of workers into the US. Protective economic measures. Free trade has caused the exportation of America's physical economy to slave labor countries such as China, etc., and impovrishment of US working class. America exists for benefit of American people, not third world immigrants seeking a "better life" by taking American jobs, housing, education, etc. and transforming American communities into 3d world slums.
Other changes: (1) Amend constitution to expressly state that Right to Keep and Bear Arms is an individual right;
(2) Add the following amendment to the US Constitution:
"The right of freedom of association shall not be infringed." Abolish all civil rights laws that violate the right of freedom of association, including Civil Rights Act of 1964, housing laws, employment laws, etc. No affirmative action. Equal rights for white people so that white people can have their own "communities", i.e. race based organizations, race based neighborhoods, schools, etc. If blacks and Mexicans can have their own communities, caucuses and tax payer funded racial organizations, it's a denial of equal protection of law to deny those rights to white people. First class citizenship restored to white people.
(3) Repeal the 14th Amendment.
(4) Repeal the 17th Amendment (direct election of US Senators).
(5) Abolish unnecessary Federal bureaucracy, including, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Labor, Dept. of Energy, and probably others.
(6) Deal with the doctrine of "Judicial 'Review" i.e., the purported right of the federal judiciary to determine what is or is not constitutional. This power was not conferred by the US Constitution, but was simply seized by the US Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison. This has tipped the balance of power far too much in favor of the judiciary. Pat Buchanan recommended giving Congress the power to overrturn Supreme Court decisions. Interesting idea. Needs more thought.
(7) Repeal Voting Rights Acts. These are state issues.
Get rid of hate crimes laws.
(9) No tax payer funded benefits for First Lady except Secret Service protection. Sick and tired of these presidential wives enjoying tax payer funded "staffs" and other perks and then lecturing us about how we raise our kids, eat, etc. This is a Republic, not a monarchy and no one should acquire tax payer funded benefits or political power by virtue of family relationship to head of state or other government official. First Lady is not queen, but only a citizen and should be restored to that status.