Man, Did I do good!!! Got up early this morning, eased into the chair with my Samick Spikeman cup of hot chocolate and listened to the quiet and stillness. Boy was the air crisp and clean! Sipping my drink I waited for the sun to creep to life and see what offerings there were to be had. As day was breaking I was able to make out a figure, a huge doe at a mere 12yds. I eased into shooting position and slowly came to full draw, momentarily waiting I release and heard the thud of the arrow stiking home! I quickly grab another arrow and make ready for the smallish animal, it's a Javilena at 10yds., I draw and let fly, my gosh where are all these critters coming from? Then at 21yds. I see a giant Fallow buck, whipping my arrow onto the string I waste no time sending an arrow down range and see the fletching bury in tight behind the front leg! Three animals, unbelievable!! I get up and stroll down to pull my arrows and return to finsh my morning cup of hot chocolate. Man, now this is the way to hunt, got me 3 animals this morning and didn't have to try an track nothing down, drag it out or gut and quarter it up. However I have heard that McKinzies don't eat that good and I was lying bout the stillness and quiet, I-35 is horrible this time in the morning. Oh well, always did have a big imagination. Ya'll all have a wonderful day and coming up weekend!!