300 yard targets:
SR-3 (used for prone rapid fire)
Aiming black:
X 3.00 inches
10 7.00
9 13.00
8 19.00
Rings in White:
7 25.00
6 31.00
5 37.00
Target MR-63 (used to simulate the 600 yard MR-1 target for prone slow fire at 300 yards)
Aiming black:
X 2.85 inches
10 5.85
9 8.85
8 11.85
7 17.85
Rings in white:
6 23.85
5 29.85
600 yard target MR-1 (for prone slow fire aT 600 YARDS)
Aiming black:
X 6.00 inches
10 12.00
9 18.00
8 24.00
7 36.00
Rings in white:
6 48.00
5 60.00
Notes: The Target, MR is the same as the MR-1 target, except the 7 ring is in the white. This was the first decimal 600 yard target, adopted about 1965, and was used for 500 and 600 yard firing until about 1981. At that time, the 7 ring was made black to make the U.S. aiming black more similar to the targets used in International competition. The unspoken reason was to make the aiming black easier for old geezers to see. As an old geezer today, I can appreciate that logic. The MR target is still used for firing at 500 yards, which is usually only done if the range does not have 600 yards, like a lot of old military ranges.
The Target, SR is used for 200 yard firing, standing slow fire and sitting rapid fire. It is the same as the SR-3 target except that the 8 ring is in the white. As above, this target was also used for 300 yard prone rapid fire until about 1981, when the 8 ring was made black, for the same rationale as above.
Bob S.