I 've made a few skull mounts over the years and have found one of the simplest ways to get it done is to hack saw from about 1 1/2 inches behind the horns to 1-1/2 - 2 inches below the eye sockets. I trim off all meat/skin, wrap the anthlers in black plastic bag and duct tape it down as close as possible to the skull. I then take that puppy out back and look for the largest fire ant hill I can find, put it on the hill and move it around a little to make them mad, then leave it for two-three days. When you go back for it, all meat will be gone, it will be white as snow and the anthlers retain their color. I hang it my shop for a few days to let it finish curing. You can then mount it.
I learnd this trick from an old indian in Mayhill N.M. Course they didn't have fire ants, but ants were used to clean the meat off the skull. Since I'm covered with fire ants, and know how agressive they are I decided to use them....................You old boys with snow on the ground may have to wait for spring, or use one of the methods listed above.