I live on the edge of the pothole country.I see new roadkilled coon quite often on the way to work.I see coon running the road edges at night here when I'm driving.I drove by some sloughs on the way home today that had 20 to 25 rat houses on them.Lots of sloughs don't have rat houses on them but some seem to have quite a few.I saw a lot of road killed fox pups earlier and would see fox out hunting the field edges on the way in to work.I see coyotes fairly often and hear them alot.We have almost no running water.Two small creeks that I know of.They both have some mink and coon tracks in the mud on the banks.Both creeks are real small and are hardly flowing right now.Both come out of a big shallow lake.I have looked around under the bridges for old trap tie wires,tie plates,bricks or cement blocks left by other trappers and I haven't found any.The other trappers may have been very neat and cleaned up after themselves though.The only beaver sign I have come across was on the Missouri River,Lake Oahe,this summer.I saw a bank den and one beaver swimming one evening while pulling crankbaits for walleyes south of Swan Creek.It looks like he had been knocking down a shelterbelt/windbreak Fish and Game had planted along time ago.Life must have been tough as he was felling Russian Olive trees.Bill