Why would someone think that a cooporation be taxed?
Biilly -
You do realize our founding fathers believed a producer of goods ie: today's corporation should be taxed don't you?
The first taxes in America were just excise taxes, not individual taxes? in other words - The producer or seller pays the tax to the government and is expected recover the tax by raising the price paid. When Thomas Jefferson was elected to the White House in 1802 Only excise taxes were collected. It was not until 1862, when Abraham Lincoln signed The Revenue Act of 1862 into law because he was desperate to pay civil war debt that the first Federal income tax law wnet into affect. The New Revenue tax was levied on
personal incomes between $800 and $10,000 which
were taxed at a 3% rate. Higher income was taxed at a 5% rate. This ensured that the tax was based on the person’s ability to pay. The Commissioner of Revenue stated "The people of this country have accepted it with cheerfulness,
to meet a temporary exigency,. The Revenue Act was
repealed in 1872 the Supreme Court declared it to be
unconstitutional because it was an illegal direct tax. In other words taxing individuals was unconstitutional. Excise Taxes (taxes paid by today's corporations were not deemed unconstitutional). It wasn't until the 16th Amendment was passed in 1913 that the government was allowed to collect taxes on individual income.
So Billy I gain ask you?
Do you truly believe not taxing Corps will somehow magically morph into them passing on products at less cost? All it will do is shift the overall Tax Burden even more on individuals
(not what our founding fathers envisioned) and increase overall corporate profit margins. A cut in the corporate income tax will not bring back this revenue. Companies have developed practices for sheltering their income overseas
(in socialist countries by the way). It's interesting to me Republicans hate Socialists. Yet want to instill Socialist Tax models for Corporations here in the U.S.
John McCain decries middle class tax cuts as "socialism" because they "spread the wealth around." What are tax cuts for corporate America and the wealthy then? But No worries Billy - if corporate bought
"old time" Republicans and US Chamber of Commerce continue helping corps with the outsourcing of American Jobs and supporting corporate socialism we will all be able to claim 0 in taxes , cause no one will be working or at least we will all be working for Socialist/communist China in absentia.