Author Topic: Sent letter to Marlin to express the facts  (Read 9073 times)

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Offline Hunter6657

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Re: Sent letter to Marlin to express the facts
« Reply #60 on: January 10, 2011, 04:23:14 PM »
Check out Marlin Owners Forums for facts in these issues with some of the new Marlin rifles.
I have given my personal account as to my problems. My rifle should be arriving at the factory for repairs tomorrow on tuesday 1-11-11. I'll let you know when its repaired/replaced.
I'm hoping Marlin under Remington is going to get their schultzen together and start producing some quality firearms again in 2011.
  PS There is pictorial evidence on the M O F site of another members QC issues with a Marlin rifle. Judge for yourself if Marlin was experiencing QC issues for these 2009-2010 models.
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Offline JPShelton

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Re: Sent letter to Marlin to express the facts
« Reply #61 on: January 29, 2011, 05:52:44 PM »
In this era of internet pundits a couple of incidents become always, and troubles that have long since been corrected become forever.  Once the feeding frenzy starts those who read and never look for themselves assume the stories are always right and the damage is done.

Okay... Let me get this straight.  I am trying to find a new 308MX that doesn't have one or more of the following problems:  barrels with excessive droop, sight dovetails not cut square, wavy receiver flats, huge gaps in buttstock to receiver fit, sling studs installed off center, crooked front sights, errant machining marks, and screwed up rear receiver contours, to name a few.  My 35 year old 336 has NONE of those problems.  It is a quality item.  I want a 308MX made to that same standard, but haven't found one even close in build quality.  So now, I am not supposed to post that here and I am supposed to assume responsibility for someone too bloody bone idle to "look for themselves"  -is that it?

For the record, I am sure there's a new 308MX out there somewhere that is made like my old 336.  Were that not the case, I'd be plunking down my cash for an old Savage 99 in .300 SAV, instead.  But I am still holding out because I am open-minded enough to assume that the 308MXs can't all be as poorly fitted and finished as those that I've examined thus far.

And if the 336C that my local mom and pop shop has on the rack is any indication, Remington/Marlin STILL doesn't have it all right yet.

Even if I agreed with the quote above -and I don't-  it isn't like the Intermess was invented yesterday or that Remington/Marlin haven't heard of it.  If anything, the idea that something like the quote above describes could be happening SHOULD give Remington/Marlin PLENTY of incentive to protect their brand by turning out a quality product devoid of the flaws I've seen during my attempts to buy a 308MX.


Offline Keith L

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Re: Sent letter to Marlin to express the facts
« Reply #62 on: January 30, 2011, 04:20:36 AM »
For every one that "sees" all these problems there are many that do not.  Like many surveys the only ones for the most part that post are those not satisfied.  Further, it sounds like the few that have problems are getting them solved quickly by the factory.  It should not be a huge surprise that there could be issues following a factory change.  If you have concerns express them to the manufacturer and see what they say.  It is pretty passive aggressive to use a public forum as the only medium to try and "fix" this.
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Offline nomosendero

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Re: Sent letter to Marlin to express the facts
« Reply #63 on: February 01, 2011, 07:44:33 AM »
It would be very difficult to read this thread & get the truth. I see the same thing with Remington, Tikka, Savage, on and on. Some will mention problems, some will make a mountain out of a mole hill & some company "fans" refuse to believe any problem exists.

I would like to see the OP update us on this situation, did the dealer send the guns back, maybe a copy of the letter sent if Marlin fails to correct the situation. I would just like to see the real facts.

JP, I am sorry you havn't found an acceptable 338 as yet & I don't believe you are being dishonest about that.
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Offline Keith L

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Re: Sent letter to Marlin to express the facts
« Reply #64 on: February 01, 2011, 12:39:04 PM »
What interests me is that this medium tends to make it look like all the products made by a company are bad because of a problem with one.  Last year I bought a lawnmower even after reading the review of the model I was looking at that tore it apart.  I know and trusted the company and after having mine it was soon aparent that the poster had no idea how to set up and use that mower.  How many people did not buy one becasue of the post? 

Every gun company makes some product they wish they hadn't.  If we are effective enough with spreading the word about this we can solve the problem by putting the companies out of business.

I have no problem at all with doing what the OP started doing: writing the company about the trouble he had.  I do get tired of the feeding frenzy from folks that may have never even seen the gun or a problem as far as we know.
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Offline nomosendero

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Re: Sent letter to Marlin to express the facts
« Reply #65 on: February 01, 2011, 03:23:11 PM »
Yea, good point. I think it is always best to try to get the problem resolved first with the manufacturer & keep the people in the loop that you bought it from as well. Then if you aren't being taken care of, they at that point are fair game, but provide all facts so a logical determination can be made without opinions getting too much in the way.
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Offline JesterGrin

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Re: Sent letter to Marlin to express the facts
« Reply #66 on: February 02, 2011, 09:03:20 AM »
Here is a picture that might Scare you. The person doing some Gunsmith work has run into two of these and another person building a marlin XS has had the same thing. These were all Marlin XS-7 rifles. By the way there should be all threads if you notice some are missing. What scares me is how many hands that these barrels went through before they even made it on a rifle.

These rifles were taken apart for a barrel change to another caliber. And were brand new. One even had the recoil lug on backwards lol. I hope this is not something to look forward to with all of the New Marlins coming down the pike.