Good for you. And the dogs. I believe that at the time Free wrote the book the colored labs were just being developed. Or it could have been prejudice showing through.
I've had a couple of black labs over the years. The first one was a dandy. I ordered him as a six week old pup from Bigstone Kennels when I was on Adak, he moved to Shemya with me, then back to Fairbanks. He was stolen a couple of months after we came to the big city. That was in 1969. Dirty scumbags went around and stole over a hundred dogs with plans to haul them to Canada and sell them for research. Kept them chained on a vacant lot, and someone turned them in. Troopers put them all down because distemper had got into them. That really torqued me off, that they didn't even try to let folks know. Bobby was tattoed and had all his shots, so I could have IDed him. Only way I found out about it was from a neighbor who worked for the jail. His dog was among them and the cops let him say goodby to her. I still have a sour taste in my mouth about that.