Actually, the voters of this country can pretty much change the government every two years. The members of the House of Representatives stand election every two years. The House is where all the money the government spends is conceived. If the House doesn't move on it, it doesn't happen.
This is why I'm having a problem figuring out just how George Bush is to blame for our economic problems, when he had a Dumocrat House for the last two years of his administration. Obama has also had a Dumocrat House so what's the difference? The difference is that Obama's Dumocrat House has done his bidding, whereas GWB was unable to get the House to do much of anything.
The President can only advocate and sign legislation, or veto it. Bush probably should have used the veto pen, but he then would have to take the responsibility for shutting down the government. That usually doesn't work too well--especially in the middle of a couple of wars.
This country's only hope is that the people have had enough of the Dumocrats headlong rush into socialism and maybe they'll see fit to change the complexion of the House. That won't cure everything, but it would be a good start.