Have opportunity to bow hunter Pike Co,IL in Nov! Have 10 yr old Browning Compound(not shot in that long) and I am now 62, a DAV, and looking at crossbows. Any suggestions? I have red dot sights on ARs, handguns so I like those. My compound has a pendulum site, which I found very accurate from a tree stand, but since narrowly missing a fall from one, I am forever ground blind devotee! The broadheads on my compound are 150gr 3-blade solid cast units, sharpenable by using a honing stone. Any and all info will appreciated, including weather/clothes, squirrel info. (We have Fox Squirrels here in Central AL, but they are considered "pretty" due to their varied colors. My benefactor says they are over-run with them in IL and it is nothing to shoot 20 a day between deer hunts! I'll bring my 17 HMR!) Thanks for any advice.