Dear Mr. Newman:
Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns with the Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials (CIFTA). I appreciate hearing from you.
CIFTA was adopted by the Organization of the American States in 1997 to prevent and stop the illegal traffic of firearms at the international level and entered into force on July 1, 1998. The treaty established that the parties must establish criminal offences under their domestic law against illicit manufacturing and trafficking if they had not already done so. Treaties must be agreed to in the Senate before they are ratified. President Obama has stated he will seek the ratification of CIFTA but has not yet submitted the treaty to the Foreign Relations Committee.
I agree that the right of law abiding Americans to own a gun should be protected. However, laws prohibiting felons and other potentially dangerous individuals from owning guns are reasonable and effective ways to reduce violent crime in our communities. In the past, the Senate has considered a variety of gun safety measures. I carefully evaluate each of these proposals, and I only support gun control legislation that corresponds to two important principles. First, I do not believe we should deprive law abiding gun owners, particularly hunters and target shooters, of their Second Amendment rights. Second, I only support proposals that I believe will unquestionably make our communities safer.
Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind should I have the opportunity to vote on this treaty. Again, thank you for contacting me.
Herb Kohl
United States Senator