xp - I don't know that I would even waste my time with the individual and the magazine will probably tell you it is their equal opportunity approach to allow even buttsniffs to have their say. I would consider Mize a troll and the magazine complacent. Save your energy. jmtcw.
It may not change things, but it was a good catharsis for me. Also, if they do not respond well, then many sportsmen will know where F&S truly stands.
Here is what I wrote them.
Dear Field and Stream Editors,
I just read the response of Mr. Forrest Mize of Ventura, CA to an article in F&S that you allowed to be printed:
" I just read the article about handgun hunting(The Huns is in Hand"Field Test) and I am disgusted that you put it in your magazine. People who hunt with pistols are showoffs, braggarts, poseurs, and hacks. They are not hunters. As hunters, we owe it to the animals to give them a clean kill and use the tools best suited for accurate shot placement. A pistol is not nearly as accurate as a rifle and, therefore, should never be used to hunt. This kind of disrespect for animals and foolishness is what gives the public the idea that hunters are a bunch of rednecks and cowboys. Save the pistols for the target range where they belong."
This is my first time to write a magazine in response to what has been printed.
The man has the right to disagree with the article, even though he is misinformed or just enjoys being cantankerous.
My biggest problem is with F&S printing it, since it was full of name calling.
Surely, you could have found someone who disagreed with the author without the name calling.
Mr. Mize made some all encompassing statements about any kind of handgun that is used for hunting and the people who hunt with them.
He was speaking about me since I do the majority of my hunting, varminting, and competing with handguns.
I do use revolvers some for hunting, but I primarily use single-shot specialty pistols.
Seeing that Mr. Mize wrote with such intensity I am sure he would not mind backing up his claim (which I assume would be with one of his big game hunting rifles) in a steel shoot-off contest witnessed of course by a Field and Stream editor using his most accurate big game hunting rifle.
As far as I am concerned, the F&S editor who chose to print this should grab his hunting rifle and shoot too.
How about square 10" to 12" steel plates painted white at 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 yards?
Or you can set the steel at unknown distances from 200-600 yards so the distances will not be even.
Paint a 3" red dot in the center, just for giggles.
Shooting cannot be done from the bench or off of a tri-pod front rest, but the hunter’s favorite field position.
One or possibly two shots on each piece of steel.
One point for a hit and two points if you hit the red dot.
Each shooter shoots the course of fire and then tally the score.
I have the steel and the location here.
Or maybe since F&S was willing to print Mr. Mize's catharsis they will pay for us to come to them or for us to come to Mr. Mize.
I know I am far from perfect, and I am not Quigley with a handgun but I am sure not what Mr. Mize described.
I am more than willing to put my shooting skill with a handgun in a public forum, which will be witnessed and reported by F&S.
How about you?
Based on Mr. Mize's words, all handgun hunters are "showoffs, braggarts, poseurs," but I do not know of any other way to show and or prove to Mr. Mize that there are handgun hunters who are capable of making clean shots on game since, "we owe it to the animals to give them a clean kill and use the tools best suited for accurate shot placement" other than for him to witness it, given his prejudices.
If this challenge makes me a show-off, so be it, but his words need to be challenged.
You were willing to print Mr. Mize's thoughts, I wonder if you will print and respond to mine?
Ernie Bishop
Gillette, Wyoming
Contact info for the editors: Home phone
PS If you do not post this, then at least consider not printing such name calling in the future.