I woulnt recomend a new chinese lathe , try to find an 40-50 year old high quality machine instead .
you can find them cheaper or at the same price as a new chinese lathe
Ive tried a few chinese machines , the quality is extremely low on those cheap hobby machines
as a fresh beginner you might not notice that in the beginning as you not got any experiance from a high quality lathe
but you will regret it in the future
a high quality machine you could sell in 10 years time and have the money back
a chinese machine you would probably almost need to pay for to get rid of it .
try to find a hobby machinist forum and start to ask questions , there you also could find some used quality machines for sale
just remember that the lathe is NOT the expensive part to buy
its when you need to buy quality tools that the large costs come .
thats even vorse for the milling machines .
try to buy an as large lathe as you got posibility to have in your work shop .
its easier to make small items on a large lathe than making large items on a small lathe