Author Topic: Daily carry of a Dragoon  (Read 3007 times)

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Daily carry of a Dragoon
« on: October 26, 2010, 09:11:11 AM »
Always having considered myself the "Josie Wales" type  ;) I decided that I would carry my Dragoon this year while deer hunting instead of one of my other handguns.  So, when I got to camp I loaded 5 cylinders with 40 gr. of FFFG and round balls then slipped a cross draw holster onto a heavy 2 inch belt and carried it thusly for the next 8 days.

Although I got used to it, I don't think it will become a part of my regular hunting ensemble.   :D  The heavy revolver pulled the belt out and foward so it was hanging way butt foward and away from my body.  And while this wasn't really uncomfortable, it was ungainly and made it feel like the weapon wasn't secure.   :(

It's possible that it might ride better if the holster was afixed to the belt,  :-\  but...  If I were in Cobb's Legion I would have to carry these handguns in a saddle holster and restrict my personal carry to Army's or Navy's!   :D

Just for grins I'm going to try it again but on the strong side.  ;D

After 8 days I fired it out.  This thing is accurate enough that I would be tempted to try a 20 yard standing broadside shot at one of our 65 pound (dressed weight) does...  after some more practice and with heavier powder charges of course!   :P
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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2010, 05:08:58 PM »
Sounds great, I think you will do well.
I just acquired a 1849 colt , 6 " barrel, 31 cal.
Having fun with it.
I wonder if Contender leather shoulder would help it carry more securely. :)

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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2010, 06:13:52 PM »
I would probably need suspenders attached to the belt or the whole rig along with my pants would fall off............I once had hips but they fell off along with something else...........anywho's I ain't going to challenge you to a draw while you're wearing that much iron.  That may be why the deer didn't show for you, you scared them away with that hog leg........  ::)
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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2010, 04:13:16 PM »
I wonder if Contender leather shoulder would help it carry more securely. :)

I don't think you will have much problem with the baby Dragoon.   :)  They're an ounce or two lighter then the 3rd Model!   :D  I might have to get one of them my own self one of these days!   ;)

That may be why the deer didn't show for you, you scared them away with that hog leg........  ::)

If it scared 'em, they was scared they'd die laughing!   ::)  I can hear them deer talkin' now... "I KNOW Josie Wales, and that boy ain't no Josie Wales!"
I hear you did good opening week!   ;D  I'm proud for ya! 

I'll be leaving out again Friday after work.  Still not much movement down there...  :'(

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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2010, 04:13:45 PM »
You really don't favor Jose Wales Richard. ??? Are sure you weren't thinkin of Slim Pickins? ;D
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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2010, 05:02:13 AM »
I have one of those heavy rascals. I would definately have to wear suspenders to help as I have trouble keeping pants up on my skinny butt with nothing hanging on my belt. I get my arm exercise by pulling my pants back up every 50 yards or so.  ;D

I would have to take a shot at the deer you described but I would have aim at about her knees to hit where it should because it shoots so high. No doubt that it would be lethal at that range if put in the right place.

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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2010, 06:50:56 AM »
My preferred carry for any long, heavy handgun is a shoulder rig. Just to try it out you can simply attach a strap long enough to pass over your head and run diagonally across the chest from the off side down to the carry side. That takes all the weight off the belt and carries the gun high enough that you can sit without digging the muzzle into the ground or truck seat. My best bud likes to attach a waist strap to the bottom of the holster to keep it from flopping around, sort of like the old "tanker" style holsters for the 1911. Myself however, I nearly always wear a coat over it so that is enough to prevent flopping around. Of course it then is a concealed weapon but I do have a carry permit.
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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2010, 07:56:58 AM »
+1 on the shoulder rig. I usually carry my 1858 remmie in a triple K shoulder rig that is offered by Cabelas. I have nothing but good to say about the arrangement. A bit of neets foot oil to soften it and take the "creaks" out. I am going to get a "rough rider" holster,belt,pouch set from Dixie Gun Works one of these days, the wide belt looks like it would handle the weight pretty good. 

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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2010, 06:00:59 AM »
Are sure you weren't thinkin of Slim Pickins? ;D

Now Dee... Ol' Slim was a heck ofa man!   ;D  It's a shame most people remember him only from "Blazing Saddles."  Yup, I could be compared to much worse folk... Peewee Herman comes to mind...  :-[

My preferred carry for any long, heavy handgun is a shoulder rig.

That's what I have for my Ruger SBH Bisley Hunter.  But that ol' Dragoon needs to be carried on the hip!   :D

the wide belt looks like it would handle the weight pretty good.

A wide and stiff belt certainly helps a good deal!  This weekend I carried the Dragoon in a home made holster the member I bought the revolver from sent to me.  It slid on the belt through cuts made in the back of the holster, ones that made a 2 inch belt a tight fit.  Worn strong side the gun carried well.  So well in fact it may become my main "working holster" for that revolver.   ;)

This time I loaded it with 45 gr. of FFFG.  These things sure do beller when you stoke 'em up!   :D  That load didn't group quite as well as the 40 gr.  I think I'll stick with the lighter load until I get get some serious range time in to confirm what load is most accurate.  :-\  Then again... I haven't tried 50 gr. yet!   :o
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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2010, 08:23:31 AM »
Gonna have to get me a dragoon some day. Which model/manufacturer do you have?

I always like Slim in his role as Major Kong, "going toe to toe with the rooskies in nuclear combat"  ;D ( Of course thats in "Dr. Strangelove" for the younger folks

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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2010, 08:33:41 AM »
It's a Uberti.  I also have a Uberti 1862 Navy and a Pietta 1860 Army.  Unless I got a real good deal on a Pietta, I'd probably stay with Uberti's.

Ah yes... Dr. Strangelove...  ;D  Lot of good old time actors in that one!   :D
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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2010, 03:25:20 AM »
Richard, you handled that poke way too well. I either need to work harder on my delivery, or your slippin deeper into the legal aspects of your life. Besides, I would never mention you and Mr. Herman in the same sentence intentionally. Wait I just did. ???
I think I just need to work harder if I'm gonna poke at ya. Your just as cantankerous as myself, and just as hard to corner. 
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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2010, 05:24:13 AM »
I think I just need to work harder if I'm gonna poke at ya.

Knock yourself out pal!   ;D  Friends get to take pokes at friends... it's a rule...   :D
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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2011, 12:48:31 AM »

How has you problem with daily carry resolved itself?  While not a Dragoon, I use an N frame S&W for daily carry and find it much more secure if I run my belt so the holster is between the belt and my trousers.  I use a panckae style holster and it feels much more secure this way.  I have done something similar with the Pocket Police (1862) and an 1860 but not yet tried it with my Dragoon or Walker.  Just some more info for you to consider.
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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2011, 07:37:37 AM »
Hey Hat!

I used the holster in my avatar after the first week.  It is a home made one the member I bought the Dragoon from gave me with the revolver.

It has slits cut in the back of the holster for the belt rather then a loop.  A two inch belt was a tight fit so the holster stayed put and carried close to my body.  It felt and was secure unlike the cross draw I carried it in the first week.

I figure I'll design and make my own after I experiment some more!   ;D

But I've been thinking about a pancake for my 5 shot snubby Taurus Tracker 44 Mag.   :-\
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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2011, 01:37:06 AM »
Dragoons were carried on your saddle. I have a Walker and have never attempted to carry on my person. Until you have handled one you just dont know how big and heavy they are. They are great shooters.
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Offline doc623

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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2011, 06:09:39 AM »
Just a note.
Another aspect to be considered is the holster.
The holster may not be sufficiently stiff enough.
I have a local fellow who makes holsters and knife scabbards for me and others as a retirement hobby.
He designs/makes the leather holder around the desired item.
He does simple everyday use/working items - which are reasonably priced to reproduction items that cam be expensive.
All are quality. He used 8or 9 oz leather.
I have seen half flap, full flap, regular holsters and cowboy action rigs. He showed me a reproduction of the original belt, holster, and knife scabbard that Gerinamo (sp) had; that he did on special order for a fellow.
I had him make a scabbard for a 4"straight blade knife that had a swivel incorporated into it so that when I sat down I could swivel the body of the scabbard and not get poked in the ribs by the but of the knife handle.
If you want any info I could PM his name and phone number.

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Re: Daily carry of a Dragoon
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2011, 05:02:11 PM »
Thanks for the offer Doc!  I've got a fellow that has done some leather work for me but nowadays I pretty much do my own.  I tell Kathie I'm practicing for when I go to the old folks home! 

You're right about the holster I was first using though.  It was a cheap slim Jim I picked up.  It was light wt. leather, oiled and soft.  It just couldn't handle the weight of the Dragoon. 
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