44 Man, this is one of the many prototype guns that I built from raw castings, etc. for Sturm Ruger during my 36 years there........... not a gun like this one, this one. If you will note the front sight is different from any production Redhawk. Now, I'm pretty sure of my sources, and information, but I could be wrong. Could you measure a few different cylinders that are different calibers, and post the results? Please be ready to back up your statements when you call someone else wrong............ I'm not upset, but I want the correct infomation posted.
To the OP's question: The throats can be chrome plated, and jig ground though grinding chrome isn't my favorite sport. My concern would be getting a smooth blend with the chamber balll seat, or tapered area on the chamber side. Though I have ground parts that were chrome plated, I have never done the plating, and am not sure what you would do in that area to achieve a smooth blend. Because of the way your cylinder was made, there is a chance that the throats are not concentric with the chamber now so that is another thing to watch out for. Good luck with your project, and keep us posted.