"Non-citizens" (code for third world non-whites) will invariably vote for the Democrats, the party of welfare and GUN CONTROL.
This has happened in California. Even when illegal aliens don't vote, they've invaded the state and their teeming millions have driven out millions of real Americans to other states. The result is that the numbers of American voters is increasingly dwindling. Most of the people with the gumption to get the hell out of California are conservative Republicans. This means that our good voters are being chased out of the state by filthy stinking third world scum. The Republican Party is finished in California. Our candidates for Governor, Meg Whitman, and US Senator, Carley Fiorina, are both former Democrat supporters. In the last US Senate race, Carly Fiorina, who is running as a Republican against Marxist Barbara Boxer, FIORINA VOTED FOR BOXER!
Every serious gun person needs to line up on the side of America against the third world invasion. This is a do or die issue.
Don't be fooled by nonsense about how "hard working" these people are, or that they come here for a "better life." B.S. They've had their own country for 500 years and they can work just as hard in their country as we did in ours. They come here for the "better life" they can't create in their own country, steal American jobs, dumb down American schools, transform American communities into filthy stinking slums, and then call us all "racists" and claim victimhood as an "Historically oppressed minority." A filthy stinking illegal alien who crossed the border the day before yesterday will get preferential treatment as an "historically oppressed minority" over and above American people who have lived here and paid taxes here for their entire lives.
The overwhelming power of the Democratic party is based on its appeal to this human refuse. What did Obama say a few days ago? He openly pandered to "Latinos" to get out and vote and punish the "enemies." Your own President addressed an alien group and referred to real Americans as "enemies." At least he told the truth about his feelings toward Americans. He hates Americans and he hates America and he wants white people dispossessed, disenfranchised and ultimately destroyed. He will use filthy stinking illegal aliens to accomplish those goals. For God's sake, wake up!