Remington first listed a left hand short action 700 in there 1987 catalog, it was available in 308 and 243. I remember it well as i am left handed. Finally there was a short action 700 that I could actually buy. In 1990 Remington added 22-250 and 338 to the list of left hand 700's, those were good years for us leftys. For those of you that are right handed, Remington first offered a left handed 700 in 1973, the only calibers available were 270, 30-06 and 7mm mag. That was it until 1987. Remington did not list the 308 or the 338 in their 1995 catalog, dropped the 22-250 and the 243 the next year. The short action left hand 700 was gone and would not return until Remington introduced the 700 CDL but not in 308. The good news is during this time Savage offered a left hand short action. Ruger has recently added a short action 77 in 223,22-250,243,7-08,308,300RCM and a 338RCM. Probably the best of times for us leftys. lnewby