Today's unions serve one purpose, to lower the work level to that of the worst employee.
isn't that just want the DEMOCRAPS are doing to every one?
that way every one can be ''equal''........''spread the wealth around''
i was in the carpenters union for 12 years
got a letter suggesting i vote for bill clinton
i returned the letter...
telling them they will NEVER see one dime of dues from me again
i also closed out my retirement account that they controled
i do not need or have ever needed a job bad enough to support
ANY ONE that would support the party of OBUMER or klinton
and the unions take your dues and support OBUMER pelosi clinton.
.....and much anti-gun legislation
the health care issue .....
thats just a scam so the unions can be more competitive
I SHUN THE UNION LABEL,,,,,,,,,union = democrat