We have a different definition of Christian obviously. ALL Americans aren't true Christians. Probably only 10% of them. I personally believe we should do what George Washington said. Don't get involved in the affairs of other nations. We need to go back to being self sufficient, only importing what we want, not what we need. Import coffee, tea, bananas, stuff like that, not oil, manufactured goods etc. No oil money for Arabs and Muslims. No money for potential enemies like China. If China became a true democratic republic, maybe trade with them, but for silk things and such. We started out as a majority Christian nation, and made our laws based on general Christian principles. Even the Supreme Court ruled back in the 1800's that we were a Christian nation and that our laws were based on Christian principles. And the Judaeo-Christian ethic isn't Zionism, but Old Testiment principles with New Testiment practice and explaination. Muslims revert back to the Old Testiment principles. Sarah Palin, I understand. She went to the same type church I attend. I understand her convictions, her principles.