I'm not going to read every post above, so this may well be a repeat. My take for what it is worth.
Lets assume for a moment the NRA told all dems to pound sand in 1995, we don't need nor do we want your support. Fast forward to 2008, about how much support for the 2A do you think those dems would have for us? How much respect would you have for the NRA knowing they intentionally pi88ed off the majority power in BOTH the Senate and the House of representitives? Oh, the president is a Dem too.
The sole mission of the NRA as it relates to lobbying needs to be 2A support, period. Were John Moses Browning a Democrat should the NRA denounce him as being below their contempt? Don't believe for a minute that every union member in this country is a bunny hugger, but a gret percentage of them vote Democrat. I don't see anything wrong with pro gun Democrats beating the bunny huggers in the primaries, do you? How about the D's and R's argueing over making CCW laws LESS restrictive?
Plenty of folks are argueing the cause for the unborn, lowering taxes, spotted owl habitat, free condoms for aboriginal hampsters in European hampster mills you name it. NRA isn't perfect neither is my wife but I haven't found a reason to give up on her, she is doing the best with what she has to work with, both in and out of our home.