Check out the Bowtech Soldier or the Diamond Razors Edge, made by the same company, come with everything you need (sights, quiver, peep) and have a huge range of adjustement in weight and draw length to be able to probably accomadate all three of you.
I got my daughter the Bowtech Soldier with wt adjustement is 35-65 lbs, 22-29" of draw length adjustment, and all adjustments you are able to do yourself. My daughter is 14 and 5'3" it has been great for her.
At 6'4" 29" draw my be just slightly short for you, 28-29 would be about right for your son, and 22-24 would be perfect for your wife. You'll need different arrows for different draw lengths and weights.
Bowtech is a company that are great military supporters, they contribute to support charities and have a military overseas discount on thier products.