Author Topic: Just held a PT1911 w/rail for the first time and was really impressed  (Read 986 times)

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Offline teddy12b

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My first handgun was a 1911, and I've had others since then, but currently I don't own one.  I wasn't really looking for one either, but I happened across one of the PT1911's with the rail and I just had to hold it since if I bought another 1911 I'd prefer one with the rail.  I have to admit that I was really shocked by how good it felt in my hand.  I mean all the extra cut checkering they put on the grip was great and the overall feel of the gun felt very solid.  Then I pull the hammer back and try out the trigger pull to be impressed again.  This was the dark blued kinda black colored 1911 and I was really blown away by it and everything it had on it.  The gun store had it for $600 and I thought that was a good deal.  I read some reviews of the gun on Budsgunshop and they were overwhelmingly positive.

My only problem is with the Taurus name.  I've owned two of the 608 357mag revolvers and both had problems.  I'd hope there's some difference in quality between their revolvers and autos, but it gets made by the same people so I'm not going to get my hopes up.  Only bad thing I saw was where the guide rod went through the bushing there seemed to be either some rust or some packing grease from the factory.  I couldn't tell what it was.  If I were to buy one of these I'd definately be buying it as a gun to shoot a lot and I'd have to build my confidence with it quite a bit before trusting my life to it.  I have to say though that holding that gun made me think twice about taking the risk on buying it.

Anybody here have one or have any experience with the gun?

Offline oldandslow

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Re: Just held a PT1911 w/rail for the first time and was really impressed
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2010, 04:39:21 AM »
The PT1911 is a nice piece of machinery . I've owned one for quite sometime now ans my oldest grandson has had one about a year longer. His worked so well I bought one. Bot have shot everything loaded in them without a hiccup. We shoot mostly handloads, 225 gr. round nose lead and 200 gr. lead SWC, and they handle them just fine. Never had but one misfire and it was a bad primer. It was dented the same as all the rest but just didn't go band. If I wanted another 1911 I wouldn't hesitate to buy another Taurus.

I've owned four Taurii and none have had any problems.

Offline teddy12b

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Re: Just held a PT1911 w/rail for the first time and was really impressed
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2010, 04:47:36 AM »
How many rounds have you put through the taurus 1911's in your family?

Offline bowtech302

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Re: Just held a PT1911 w/rail for the first time and was really impressed
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2010, 09:12:14 AM »
We sell a bunch of 'em and have never had one complaint. I want one myself

Offline oldandslow

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Re: Just held a PT1911 w/rail for the first time and was really impressed
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2010, 05:50:16 PM »
How many rounds have you put through the taurus 1911's in your family?

I haven't kept a close count. Several hundred through each though.

Offline jeff1hd

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Re: Just held a PT1911 w/rail for the first time and was really impressed
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2010, 06:02:06 AM »
I have had mine for almost two years and love it.

Offline 1sourdough

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Re: Just held a PT1911 w/rail for the first time and was really impressed
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2010, 04:42:27 AM »
 I have a PT1911 with the rail. I bought for a trade of sorts(hunting trip) that fell through, so now I have it. I've only shot it a little with some handloads, all is well. I've read where the safety can be problematic, loosening up. If I were to have any issues I'd try to fix it myself or go local. I bought a good take down manual & took it apart for a good cleaning.  Yeah, I also would rather it didn't say Taurus in big letters on the side. At least one other 1911 is made in Brazil & I wouldn't doubt if they come down the same line. 
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