The right of freedom of association would apply to all relationships including personal, professional, business, religious, etc.
This amendment would blow out the Civil Rights Act of '64, and gazillions of other "anti-discrimination" laws. Discrimination is a very important survival mechanism by which the healthy protect themselves from the hazards of unhealthy associations. Example: If a wedding photographer doesn't want to shoot a "same-sex marriage" or a minister doesn't want to perform a same sex marriage, they can tell them to go to Hell! If a store clerk says "Merry Christmas" and some Jew comes out of the woodwork bitching that he feels "excluded" or that it is "discrimination", the store can tell him to go to Hell. A citizen or private business would have the
absolute right to sell or rent property to anyone they choose for whatever reason. Same with private schools. The right of white parents to send white children to racially segregated white private schools and not be beaten up and abused by Black and Hispanic gangbangers could not be infringed under my proposed constitutional amendment. If blacks and Hispanic gangbangers want to shoot each other and major in black studies, that's their business and they can do it at the O.J. Simpson Public High School and not at the George Washington Private Academy (tax deductible) where our children are taught courtesy, civility, history, science, engineering, math, etc., and where they can say a prayer and say "Merry Christmas" and sing Christmas carols if they want to! We respect their "culture" and they stay the Hell out of ours.
Blacks already have all black businesses, newspapers, etc. Here in Los Angeles we have a "black newspaper" call the Sentinel. All writers and staff are black. All photos in the paper are of black people. How do they have a "black newspaper"? They make hiring decisions based on race. This is a complete violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and various state "anti-discrimination laws." The problem is that most civil rights laws do not protect white peoples' rights, but are designed to be enforced against white people and to force the infiltration and destruction of white institutions. Government tax money goes to "Historic Black Colleges." Our current President attended a church for more than 20 years based on the "Black Value System." Nobody ever asked him how "black values" were different from "white values", but apparently they are. No one asked him why his church members can openly discriminate racially in their choice of stores, employees, hiring, education and spending consumer dollars and other decisions, but it did.
Same with the Hispanics. They have their own "community", their own racist organizations (La Raza, etc.), newspapers, employers, businesses, etc. and nobody bothers them on the grounds that they're guilty of "discrimination." Like Blacks, Hispanics are free to crap all over white people if they want to without any consequence.
The Jews have their own country, the Jewish State of Israel, the fourth largest nuclear power, that exists only because of billions of tax dollars from millions of Christian tax payers who are forced to support a state based on a religion they do not share. American Christians are screwed out of billions in taxes and then told they can't say "Merry Christmas" in department stores because it's "discrimination." If Jews want my tax dollars to subsidize Israel, they can live with hearing white people say Merry Christmas in public or take their business somewhere else instead of bankrupting one of us with a civil rights complaint for "discrimination."
The bottom line is that every single racial group has its own "community" which is sancrosanct...except white people. It's time to change this and restore white people to first class citizenship so that they are on equal footing with other races who openly discriminate against outsiders and in favor of their own race, tribe, etc.
The only purpose of so called anti-discrimination laws is to screw white people and strip white people of the right to chose their personal and business associations. If Blacks and Mexicans and others can discriminate in favor of their own kind and against us, we should have equal rights to do the same thing and to chose our associations the same way their chose theirs.
If the President of the United States can openly attend a church that openly advises its members to violate the civil rights laws, just why are those laws relevant? They're not relevant. They should be nullified by whatever means possible. Better through constitutional amendment than by second amendment remedies.
The Right of Freedom of Association Shall Not Be Infringed. Has a nice ring to it!