The last time I hunted with my 35 Remmington I tried the 200 gr Leverevolution from Hornady. I sighted in 3" high at 100 yards following the ballistic information on the box. I killed a nice 8 point, that, according to the rangefinder was 218 yards. I held pretty much dead on. The results were fantastic. Hit the deer really hard right where I wanted and left a large exit hole.
That is the only 200 plus shot I have made so far, but the Leverevolution bullets have made a believer out of me for the 35.
I have used them in my 45-70 Handi-rifle during primative weapon season, but my shots have been limited to less than 100 yards so far. I sighted that one in the same way, according to the ballistic information on the box. It is a little high up close, but is easy to compensate for.
With the technology available now the 35 is a 200 yard gun. It is not for bean fields but it is nice to know the old stump thumper can reach out there a ways if you need it to.