I trap coon all winter. Just had a nice run before this storm- and should pick up a few more next check. Then they will shut down for a while.
I have open water I can trap, and I find that coon head for water after one of their "hibernation" periods. Knowing your area in ND, I doubt you have much open water-
But wherever the coon are, when it does warm up they will move a little, so you need ot be ready. nice thing about open water is all my coon sets can be set up on drowning wires. THis allows for a 3 day check. I use either pvc pipes or dirtholes in the bank is right- and keep these well lured up and then just before the warm spell is coming- hit everything good again.
But to your questions 1) I find coon here adjust to moving in colder weather as the year goes on. Get a couple of sunny days in the mid 20s, and coon will move. any fog, mist, chinook, they move. Use a very loud sweet bait- mild lures are worthless. Fox urine makes a very good change up- esp before a misty night.
2) rubbing, scratching, rednecks- it really can vary. All are caused by different things. Rubbing is both shedding and well, rubbing. Scratching and bites are from the onset of breeding season and rednecks and red rumps are fur deterioration.
And individual coon vary widedly also. You are pretty safe in our area in taking coon deep into Feb- with the occasional bad one. Some years, coon taken in beaver traps in March even April are still good.
A real bad winter where coon are forced to hole up for longer stretches can cause staining and fur deterioation in late DEc early Jan- but thats rare.
I plan on trapping coon until Mar 1 each year- and if the weather is right and the coon look good- I'll continue a few more weeks.
I'd say do your homework and hit thm hard when it warms up!