Author Topic: trappnman or bog ( coon question )  (Read 485 times)

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Offline TJF

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trappnman or bog ( coon question )
« on: December 09, 2003, 05:50:45 PM »
Since you guys are northerners, I was wondering when the fur goes bad ( rubbed/synged [sp??] ) on coon.  Our cold weather pretty much shut the coon movement down from the start.  I know they don't go into a full blown hibernation but unless we get in the high 30's during the day, there is no movement what so ever.  The next high 30's day could be two days from now or 2 months from now.  I would bet on the latter of the two.    How long do you guys trap them or could you trap them with the fur still being in good shape for the most part??  If they stay denned up ... will the fur stay in better shape and possible make it to March with the lack of movement???  Thanks!!


Offline trappnman

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trappnman or bog ( coon question )
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2003, 02:32:14 AM »
I trap coon all winter.  Just had a nice run before this storm- and should pick up a few more next check. Then they will shut down for a while.

I have open water I can trap, and I find that coon head for water after one of their "hibernation" periods.  Knowing your area in ND, I doubt you have much open water-

But wherever the coon are, when it does warm up they will move a little, so you need ot be ready. nice thing about open water is all my coon sets can be set up on drowning wires. THis allows for a 3 day check. I use either pvc pipes or dirtholes in the bank is right- and keep these well lured up and then just before the warm spell is coming- hit everything good again.

But to your questions 1) I find coon here adjust to moving in colder weather as the year goes on. Get a couple of sunny days in the mid 20s, and coon will move. any fog, mist, chinook, they move.  Use a very loud sweet bait- mild lures are worthless. Fox urine makes a very good change up- esp before a misty night.

2) rubbing, scratching, rednecks- it really can vary.  All are caused by different things. Rubbing is both shedding and well, rubbing. Scratching and bites are from the onset of breeding season and rednecks and red rumps are fur deterioration.

And individual coon vary widedly also. You are pretty safe in our area in taking coon deep into Feb- with the occasional bad one. Some years, coon taken in beaver traps in March even April are still good.

A real bad winter where coon are forced to hole up for longer stretches can cause staining and fur deterioation in late DEc early Jan- but thats rare.

I plan on trapping coon until Mar 1 each year- and if the weather is right and the coon look good- I'll continue a few more weeks.

I'd say do your homework and hit thm hard when it warms up!
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trappnman or bog ( coon question )
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2003, 04:46:59 AM »
Tim,Mr. Gappa pretty much got everything covered.
 I also have taken some very nice coon in late spring while beaver trapping.Bred females will look good from a distance, but once you get up close it's a differant story.
 I have been out on the ice the last few days chasing rats,and have seen quite a number of coon tracks on the ice.Unless you have something better to do ,I would get ready and try for those coon when a warmer spell does happen.Once cold weather arrives I like to use a very potent shellfish bait,that biting odor seems to work well once the temps drop.
If you need trapping supplies---call ,E-mail , or PM me . Home of Tom Olson's Mound Master Beaver Lures  ,Blackies Blend--lures and baits.Snare supplies,Dye ,dip,wax,Large assortment of gloves and Choppers-at very good prices.Hardware,snares,cable restraints and more!Give me a call(651) 436-2539
  I now also carry --- The WIEBE line of Knives and their new 8 and 12 inch fleshing Knives.

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« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2003, 01:07:39 PM »
Steve and Tom hit the nail on the head as far as keeping traps out for coon and  luring.   You have to be patient plus keep yr traps working for when the coon does come out in the bad weather...... Usually you have to be close to where coon is denning as they dont travel too far....  I have alot of barns set up plus brush  type piles.... old abandoned cars ect.... Also dont  walk by  the huge round or square bales   either by themselves or in tight groups.   You have to observe  and you will gradually get a second sense where coon might be.... this will come with time and experience and  with a few tips fm us you should be able to pick some coon up with PATIENCE...  GOOD LUCK

Offline TJF

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trappnman or bog ( coon question )
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2003, 04:45:18 PM »
Thanks, it was the info I hoped to read on the fur condition.  I have been setting a few farmsteads and picked up a few here and there when there is a little movement.  I just have never trapped coon this late and need to move my sets to other farmsteads if the fur quality holds up as the old spots are trapped out as much as I care to take in those areas.    I have stayed away from sweet smelling lures once it got cold.  Deer and squirrels are too much of a pain otherwise in our few tree areas.  Thanks again!!


  I don't like singling out people and I wouldn't if my fur condition question wasn't for a specific area.  I am always interested in what others have to say and glad you responded.  Thanks!!


Offline steven49er

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trappnman or bog ( coon question )
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2003, 04:00:31 AM »
Trappnman is right on.  If you have a good quality coon like a Mn/Dak coon they are still valuable until end of Feb even into March.  They may not be worth as much as an early Dec. coon, but they will still have good value.

Looking back on my past sales receipts from NAFA the last coon that I caught last year brought 19.50.  It was graded as a 3xl sdg.  I caught it in March in an open water beaver set, and I know that it was this particular coon as it was only one of two that I had on the May sale and the other one was a carryover.