The Cité de la Mer (City by the Sea) in Cherbourg, France is a genuine maritime museum, it has the look of a vast open mall because the building is actually a converted ocean liner terminal. The main attraction there is the ‘Redoutable’, a French Navy nuclear submarine.
I too would like to see all the guns from the ‘Alabama’ displayed together in one American museum, but because of limited space, resources, and the fact that France did play such an important role in the recent history of the Alabama, I just don’t think there’s a reasonable chance of that happening. What would, or could have been more reasonable in my opinion, is if the officials from our ‘Navy Historical Center’ had acted with a little more tenacity in their dealings with the officials from the ‘French Ministry of Culture’, maybe one of the 32-pounders would now be under glass at Cherbourg, and the Blakely 7-inch rifle would be on view at the U.S. Navy Museum in Washington, DC.