I watched Glenn Beck pitch his plan concerning military pay in front of an audience of West Point Cadets today. It sounded good to me!
Except for the part about how much they get paid now!!
“The average guy in the U.S. Army serves for four years and they get out as a specialist. As a specialist they make $22,676. They pick up a gun and go in the line of fire because your country asks you too for $22,676. They aren’t doing it for money. ”
“The average American makes $50,462.”
“Now here is where it gets good. The average salary of a federal employee, you know the ones who can never get the paperwork right make 74,403.”
“The average person serving in Congress. Remember they use that word, they don’t call it a job. They serve. [The Average American] is their master, [The US Army] is the guardian that protects them as [the average persons in congress] are supposedly protecting the Constitution. How much does [the average persons in congress] get paid for their service. This is the basic salary. $174,000.”
“We have to cut our budgets. In the book “Broke” I outline budget cuts. And one of them is controversial is I take on the Department of Defense. And the reason I did it is it’s easy to right a chapter on how we have to shut off NPR. I can do that in my sleep. I wanted to show you that the one thing I care the most about is the defence of our nation and we can make inteligent cuts without hurting our defense and without hurting people. We can actualy help people.”
“Congressmen SHALL NOT be paid more than those who are currently serving in the front line of duty. They shall never make more than $22,676. There is no reason Congress should enrich themselves and make more money then somoene who is on the front line fight. Someone who is in a tank right now, someone who is risking their life to save a child in another country. Are you kidding me? There is no justification for congressional salaries. None. Demand congress lower their salries and their benefits to the same level that is offered to our soldiers, period. ”
“I’m going to take it a step further. Federal employees SHALL NOT be allowed to be ever to make more than [the average American salary] of $50,462. Ever”
“Congress and employees of the federal government should only get raises when the citizens get raises. Members of congress should never make more than the soldiers who die in the battlefield. ”
“Congress I know you got a lot of special perks. Your medical care should be exactly the same as the VA hospital gives out. You are in ‘service’ of your country, if you don’t like it then maybe you should offer better benefits at the VA hospitals.”
http://wireupdate.com/wires/12302/glenn-beck-congressional-pay-should-be-the-same-as-soliders-salary/It doesn't say it in this article, but on the show he suggested that the military get payed more. When he says that the Congress not get paid more than 22,676, what he is saying is that they should not get more than a fighting man.
He also talks about how much wealth Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have amassed while in Congress. MILLIONS!!
If you want to watch the program click the link. If you want to get to the meat of what we are talking about, fast forward to the 9min mark on the counter.