I know you may be envious of the over 30 crowd. However. I grew up with one TV and it was black and white, went off the air at midnight, came back on about 6am and was 19" diagonal or less. I had a transistor radio as a teen. I also had an LP record player. No electronic games. We had one telephone in the house and it started out as a party line (shared with several other users). If you picked up and heard someone talking you had to wait until they were through, for you young people who don't know. We had cards and board games in rain or cold weather if nothing was on TV worth watching. We had softball, baseball, football, kickball, dodge ball, etc, to play with neighbors in someones back yard or a playground or park within bike or walking distance. We roamed in the woods nearby, went to a movie on saturday afternoon by taking a bus for $0.05. Movie was about $0.10 on Saturday afternoon. Now you have HD 56" TV's and 500 channels to choose from 24 hours a day, video games, cell phones, satelite radio, AM and FM stations (we just had AM). No air conditioning (I lived in the south), no air conditioned cars, sometimes they were column straight shifts, and only one car per family. We had no dishwasher, no microwaves, and hand mixers. We didn't have a washing machine until I was in jr. high. We had a washateria 2 blocks from home. We didn't get a dryer until I was in high school. About half the old people back then didn't have a car, they used buses or taxis, trains for long distance. It was nicer, friendlier, safer, more open, without more modern things. We slept in the summer with the windows up (had screens for bugs), and the doors open (also had screen doors). It was hot in the summer.