Shot a nice buck yesterday, and... lost him. Looked hard for him, found blood as far as 200-300 yards from where I hit him (hard to tell, I didn't pace it off) and packed it in after four hours, half that in the rain. That stung, and badly. First one I've lost in a couple years.
BRIGHTENING THINGS CONSIDERABLY... shot a nice six-pointer this morning. I was on public land I've not hunted in five years... scouted yesterday... went in this morning. At around 8:30am this one happened by, on his way somewhere important (well, the rut IS on...). Angling away, 30 yards or so... I grunted and he inconsiderately stopped behind a very larger pine, necessitating a neck shot as chest/shoulders were obscured. Yippee. Here was a bit of good news with this deer: the 350 yard drag was mostly downhill!
Got to get to work on this thing after I finish my coffee...