I at one time had bees, 6 hives to be exact and all the equipment and even a building that I called my honey house where I did all the extracting and building hives and all that goes into bees I have an old bee book somewhere that I will send you if I can find it.
There are two types of bee people, Type one is a bee keeper he is the type who goes out and get all the honey and that is about it, Type 2 is a bee man, he is the one that checks the hives regulary doctors them, feeds them if it is required and sees that the hive is healthy with no worms, mites or any other thing that will destroy the hive.
Bees are really fun to work with if you have the right equipment and the time to take care of them and always make sure that you have a good healthy queen. They need water and plenty of flowers and fruit trees to feed off of and also a good supply of honey to get them through the winter.
They are lots of fun to watch and work with if you dont mind getting stung once in a while, also remember that you may be alergic to them and they can kill you if you are.