Boys, if I post on here, it's always about my son's handi successes. Well, he stopped by Thanksgiving Day, and said if I wanted to use his handi 44 mag, to go ahead. Well I got up this morning, getting ready to go hunting, and though "why not", instead of messing around with my muzzleloader. Went out to my usual spot, and waited for daylight. About 30 minutes after legal shooting light, 5 does came down the ditch bank, and stood about 45 yds. away. I put the scope on 1 of the 2 bigger ones[she was quartering away], and put the crosshairs right behind her last rib, and squeezed off the shot. She dropped her tail, and ran about 35 yds., and collapsed in a chizel plowed corn field. I used the hornady LE ammo, and it did it's usual great job! My 1st handi kill, and probably not my last. Here is a pic of the doe. She field dress 100 lbs.
Here is a coupla pics of the 2 does I shot opening weekend, with my CVA Wolf muzzleloader.
90 lbs. field dressed.
125 lbs. field dressed.
Still looking for a buck, but have all the meat I need. Think I'm gonna have a 44 mag handi, before next season.
Mad Dog