Haven't been up to Southpaws for a couple of weeks. It's been snowing for almost two weeks, it started the day before my birthday. We had a screaming blizzard for Thanksgiving. Warmed up into the 30's Friday and I dug the sidewalks out. Yesterday started out nice. I had a bunch stuff here at the house that I borrowed from or found for Southpaw that I needed to get to him; ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning a Gahendra, 7/8 S&D drill bit for making a drill jig for golf ball mortar bases, 50 feet of cotton rope for making slow match and a large package of fire crackers.
Loaded the stuff and lovely wife up and we headed of on the 40 mile drive to open prairie and the Taft Farm. Roads were clear and traffic was light.
Spent the after noon shooting Southpaw's fire cracker cannon and testing various combination of firecrackers, bottle rockets and FFFFG. I hope Southpaw writes up his test result.
We sat down at the kitchen table with the wives for a cup of tea and chocolate chip cookies and then Southpaw and Mrs SP gave me a belated Birthday gift.
The Card read:
A good friend would vist you in jail,
A great friend would bail you out.
A friend like me would be in next cell,
Have a wild (but not too wild) birthday
Then for a gift he gave me a pound Fg GOEX blackpowder.
What a great gift from a great friend, thanks Ernie.