After my reply #3 was posted, 'bbajdek' responded with a post giving some details about the "Shark" and the carronades he was at that time working on, he then deleted the reply he had posted and took leave of the forum. Naturally I found this all slightly mysterious, so I contacted my man Douglas to see if he could clue me in on anything, and he not only could, but did. I don't think Double D will mind me sharing this, so:
This new member who is a conservator with the CMAC (Center for Maritime Archaeology and Conservation) department of Texas A&M University responded to my reply with a post which he then deleted, and I'm assuming that you then removed the post itself; I'm kind of confused, what was all of that about?
"I saw what he wrote...I think he released some information about the work that he should not have, especially that there was another wreck in the area around the same time frame that carried similar guns and there were some markings found on the hardware in concretions. It sounds like he is working on his thesis so he probably is a graduate student......................"
Well Brennan evidently completed his thesis, and everything worked out fine, because I ran across this the other day. The two different pattern 18-pdr carronades did come from the USS Shark.