Author Topic: Ohio doe down. Kind of interesting story  (Read 655 times)

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Offline ttank0789

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Ohio doe down. Kind of interesting story
« on: November 29, 2010, 05:39:29 PM »
I was sitting on a small ridge this morning looking down into a bowl that works as a natural funnel. There was a big creek in front of me on the far side and a weedy field on the other side of that. About 8:45 a white van pulls up on the field edge closest to me and the Amish guys who are doing a little logging pile out and fire up their backo which I hadn't noticed because of big trees and brush in the way. There were no way deer would come through there with them making a racket so I decided to still hunt towards/into the bedding area that was about 80 yards behind me in the middle of the wood lot. Just as I was getting into it deer went everywhere. After they were gone I decide to go for broke and try to stalk up on them again. I took about 5 steps and some more deer jumped one of which ran broadside to me at about 25 yards. I took the running shot and somehow missed. After I shot she turned and ran straight at me so I sunk a slug right in the front of her chest at 15 yards. Her legs buckled and she skidded to a stop about 10 yards from me. I thought it was kinda crazy how she ran right at me. She was on track to run right into me. Not a big doe but will put meat in the freezer of a friend that loves venison but doesn't hunt.
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Offline Mohawk

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Re: Ohio doe down. Kind of interesting story
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2010, 11:18:49 PM »
Sounds familiar. My last deer was about 20 yds when I shot. After I shot her she ran directly underneath my tree stand, passed it and fell over. This exact thing happened on this same stand 2 yrs ago.

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Re: Ohio doe down. Kind of interesting story
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2010, 11:53:46 PM »
Who knows what runs through an animals mind in a situation like that. One thing i know is that you found A HONEY HOLE, and walked right through it!  ;)
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