Be careful guys about saying you didn't see any or many deer. You will get accused of not hunting hard enough, hunting along a road. Or spending to much time in a bar.
Never have I said there aren't less deer, I just dont follow your single-minded blinded view that there are NO deer. There are less deer and the hunting style has changed which means that yes those that scout harder, walk farther, ie. hunt harder will stand a much better chance of killing a deer than those that trust to a favorite spot or the luck of a "driven" deer. Sorry
Where did you get that I was complaining about NO deer, or even less deer for that matter? I really don't believe that I have said anything about deer numbers in any of my posts. Please re read my posts. I was not talking about no, or less deer in the other thread.
Although it was you, that accused people that do complain about less deer, of sitting 100 yards off a road, hunting 3 hours the first day then whining and crying in a local bar and on the net the rest of the time. Those exempt from the accusations are the ones that wear out a pair of boots scouting. Why not give other hunters a little more credit than that?
Just to ease your mind. I haven't been in a bar for the last 20 years, I have never hunted just 100 yards from a road, I have never killed a doe with a high powered rifle, and have never taken more than one deer per year. I work a 40 hour week, and I'm a care giver for my wife the rest of the time. I do hunt when a family member can stay with my wife, so my scouting is kind of limited. Although I have no need to scout because I have lived here for 53 years and know the deer patterns.
All I had was a different view than you on how the GC is handling deer management and the agenda behind it. I think I'm right, and you think you are right. Just different opinions, and no need to criticize how other hunters hunt. Or implicate single mindness.