I also love my large handi's ....but.... they are not the only ones I have eyes for. We discussed special orders a while back, and I especially love the 32-20 and absent that, nourish a faint but avid hope that a 327 magnum may someday come about. I found a page from my stacks of stuff on 32-20 that came out when the contender was first chambered for it. In a 10 " test barrel, they listed averages for 5 -5 shot groups, 19 out of 24 loads tested shot under .75 inch @ 25 yards The best load shot .302 @ 25 yards, and 1.710 at 100 yds. A 110 gr Speer JHP 30 cal, 17.5 gr of W680, produced 1811 fps, .451 @ 25, and 1.710 @ 100.
Now, I just picked up a relatively new Accurate powder loading pamphlet, and checked out the 327 stats. ( admittedly, I had got it to look at 500 S&W loads with 5744) and saw 1800 fps with a 71 gr 32 acp bullet from a 5 INCH barrel. A 78 gr lead RN @ 1761 fps. I thought about a new handigrip shorty, 16.5 " barrel, compact scope, one that would shoot 32 S&W, 32 longs, 32 H&R, and 327 Federals. A pound of lead makes 15 bullets for a 500, 90 for a 32.
A pound of powder loads about 200 for a 500 S&W, between 500 and 1000 in a 327, or 2800 in an S&W 32 long. It reminded me that a gun does not have to produce whiplash to be ............hot...
SO, I just had to float one, to keep it in the collective consciousness here....sometimes , even when size matters, think small. After all, there are no reverse reamers that can shrink a 30/30 chamber..........