Author Topic: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?  (Read 610 times)

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Offline guzzijohn

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Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« on: December 03, 2010, 03:05:59 AM »
Okay, we have been and can continue to argue about why the state of the country is what it is. It has many of the same feelings as the country did at the end of the Carter era. When Reagan was elected he did two very great and important things. One, he came across in a very positive manner to ALL Americans and got the people to start believing in America and themselves again. Second, he was willing and able (I think he used the private woodshed quite a bit with legislators) to keep the negative rhetoric between the parties minimized and actually get them to start getting some positive things done for the country, not just their own parties and themselves (with a few exceptions). When Bob Dole was Senate Leader he used humor, a sharp wit and at times a whip to get both sides to actually get something done that might benefit America. Whether the next president is democrat or republican or whatever they need to once again follow in Reagan's footsteps. Get away from all the negativity (just look how negative many of the primaries were let alone between parties). Attacks need to be kept to legislation differences and then actually come up with something, not personal toward each other. Currently most legislators of both parties are acting like first graders in a school yard fight while America continues to suffer in many ways.

Offline Rolandedwinjohnson

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2010, 04:48:32 AM »
Regan/Dole?  Regan republicans are looking to the Tea Party. 

The Dole republicans are now "Rockefeller" republicans, Also known as Rino's - Republicans in name only.
They tend to be about 80% democrat, they want everything the demo's want but not so fast. They are not interested in reducing the size and grasp of the government. 

Remember, Ronnie said " The most terrifying words in the English language - I'm from the Government and I'm here to help?"  This is similar to the Tea Party wanting a smaller, constitutionally based government.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2010, 05:26:43 AM »
Reagan's Ideas are alive and well.
Lower taxes to jump the economy.
The Idea that the Democrats adn the media are trying to say that Unemployment is moving our economy is just crazy.
I have never met a person on un employment that has hired another person.
Allow people to keep more of their money in the form of Tax cuts.
Trim the expenses of the Federal Government by 5% this year and 5% for the next 5 years and we will have something.
Reagan's tax cuts worked.  More people worked, and more $ poured into Washington.
The Democrat Congress broke the deal with the President and started spending like Drunken Sailors and caused the massive amounts of Debt.
It took A democrat Congress to over ride George Bush's "no new Taxes" and Bill Clintos nad his tax increases to finally end the economy that Reagan started 20 years earlier.  The tax cuts GW bush did were not deep enough and did not account counter act the Congress and Clinton increases and the congressional social engineering of tax breaks for this or that has caused the economic problems we have.
The Dole / Ford Republicans are the ones that started things like the EPA and the Department of Education that for the most part are rogue agancies that are causing more prolbems than fixing.
TM7 is correct in that Reagan has been shouted down by Silly liberals in the media that do not undersatnd the phrase "business do not pay taxes"  and just think they do not pay anything when infact the taxes are built into the price of the good.  The higher the price the less of the good is consumed.
All they heard was Not paying taxes and the term "Fair Share" is applied to people that are paying in states like CA over 50% in taxes when you figure in all the fines, fees, local, property, personal property, inventory, federal, and state income taxes.
Heck we are still paying a tax on each phone line to pay for the Spanish -American War over 100 years ago.  Think about that, we pay only a few pennies a month on each phone line.  Figure there are over 100 Million phone lines and that is 3million a month going to pay for a war that ended over 100 years ago and we have had an invasion into mexico, WWI, Invasion into Russia, WWII, Korea, Viet nam, Domican Republic incursion, Iran rescue, Panama, Freeing Kquait, Afganistan ,and Irag since and we are still collecting for the Spanish American War who's vets are not only dead but all the sons and daughters of those vets are too dead.  There is not a memorial that needs to be maintained.  But we are sucking 3-5 Million Dollars a month out of the economy to pay for a war that has been paid for and the revinue just goes into the general fund.  What could businees do with the added 36Million a year?
Hire 100,000 People, lower prices to beable to sell more?
No somehow the left has made this a class war and paying taxes, even excessive taxes is not enough.  the left thinks they know better how to run a business and in doing the tax breaks, the regulations, for industries that they know nothing about is why we have the mess we have now with 10% plus un employment.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2010, 05:38:06 AM »
There is a hidden 4% tax on natural gas in Alabama.  The state gets it.  Not listed on their gas bills as the late George Wallace didn't want to list it on the bills.  I think it is also on the power bills. 
There is a tax from the well head to the pipeline supplier.
There is a tax from the pipeline supplier to the distribution company.
There is a tax from the distribution company to the end user. 
It adds up, and you wonder why your utility bills are so high.

Same with gasoline. 
Taxed at the well head,
Taxed when it leaves the refiner,
Taxed when it leaves the distributor,
Taxed when is is sold to the customer.

We pay property taxes, sales taxes, drivers liscense fees, business liscense tax both state and local, income tax, tax on license plates, excise tax on tires, vehicles, and any so called luxury.  The list goes on and on.  Enough is enough.  Someone has to make things, build things, produce things, to provide jobs.  Regulations, licenses, fees, permits, taxes, etc, etc, is styfling the economy in our nanny state. 

Offline jimster

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2010, 08:38:08 AM »
We pay property taxes, sales taxes, drivers liscense fees, business liscense tax both state and local, income tax, tax on license plates, excise tax on tires, vehicles, and any so called luxury.  The list goes on and on.  Enough is enough.  Someone has to make things, build things, produce things, to provide jobs.  Regulations, licenses, fees, permits, taxes, etc, etc, is styfling the economy in our nanny state.

Yup!  And if that ain't bad enough we have a group of people always wanting to tax the "wealthy"....consumers pay all those taxes as well when the products go up, of course the popular answer to this is, lets pass more legislation to control "them" and "protect us", and this costs us double, because everything they pass is based on....
"we need to spend someone elses money to get us out of this mess" another couple thousand pages of pork and money laundering later...we are twice the amount in debt, and taxed in seven more directions.

Someone has to make things, build things, produce things, to provide jobs.

I don't think they get that Dixie Dude....they have a money printer.  :-[


Sure wish the government would stop "helping us" so much.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2010, 09:58:08 AM »
We pay property taxes, sales taxes, drivers liscense fees, business liscense tax both state and local, income tax, tax on license plates, excise tax on tires, vehicles, and any so called luxury.  The list goes on and on.  Enough is enough.  Someone has to make things, build things, produce things, to provide jobs.  Regulations, licenses, fees, permits, taxes, etc, etc, is styfling the economy in our nanny state.

Yup!  And if that ain't bad enough we have a group of people always wanting to tax the "wealthy"....consumers pay all those taxes as well when the products go up, of course the popular answer to this is, lets pass more legislation to control "them" and "protect us", and this costs us double, because everything they pass is based on....
"we need to spend someone elses money to get us out of this mess" another couple thousand pages of pork and money laundering later...we are twice the amount in debt, and taxed in seven more directions.

Someone has to make things, build things, produce things, to provide jobs.

I don't think they get that Dixie Dude....they have a money printer.  :-[


Sure wish the government would stop "helping us" so much.

It an't the government it is the uneductaed masses that keep voting for some other uneducated moron that thainks he knows better how to  run your life than you do.

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2010, 11:40:26 AM »
Dixie/Dude you have been to see the Elephant, you know where  of you speak. Very good. :) 8)
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Offline Mohawk

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2010, 11:50:47 AM »
Pay the taxes in Europe. We have it easy. Just saying.

Offline jimster

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2010, 12:25:27 PM »
Pay the taxes in Europe. We have it easy. Just saying.

I don't care if Europe pays more, less, or in between, we are America, no comparisons to any other country are needed.   
We pay far too much, our taxes are not for the good of the people or the country, they are used for corruption, they hold us all back, and nobody really knows where the 2.6 trillion per year the feds grab from us are going anyways. When we do find out it's corrupt, there seems to be nothing we can do about it.

It an't the government it is the uneductaed masses that keep voting for some other uneducated moron that thainks he knows better how to  run your life than you do.

Yes, this is why for sure...the uneducated masses with their heads full of mush created this government through for all the wrong reasons.
Hard to beat that much ignorance with the right to vote. 

Offline gstewart44

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2010, 12:34:39 PM »
Pay the taxes in Europe. We have it easy. Just saying.
The United States of America was born of people wanting to escape "European" style of government.    Euros have always been "ruled" by a king or queen and their surrogates.   Americans wanted freedom and embraced "governance" by an elected ( and therefore changeable) politic. 

Euro taxes may suit their socialist style of ruling but in the USA we need to stick with our freedom from "rulers" or "ruling party" and their unreasonable taxes.   
Democrats want more and more of the popullation on the govt teat so they can have more power.  That's all.  They do not care about equality - only their own power. 
I'm just tryin' to keep everything in balance, Woodrow. You do more work than you got to, so it's my obligation to do less. (Gus McCrae)

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2010, 12:40:30 PM »
Uneducated masses? What candidate do you like that does not ask for taxes? Taxpayers support millions of Autistic children through SSI? Is that a waste? And the numbers increase daily. So who are these brilliant candidates that maintain services that have a modest tax? I would be more suspicious of them. 

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2010, 01:43:25 PM »
Pay the taxes in Europe. We have it easy. Just saying.
See that is the problem.
everyone equates us to socialist Europe and says how much less they pay.
Socialism does nto work, it has failed every time and to look at a Socialist tax structure and say how little we pay is crazy.
We should look at acient Rome where if the tax rate was 7% or more people rioted, killed ellected leaders and cut body parts off the tax collectors.
Also it was a flat tax on everything not 6% on this but 5% if you invest in gladiators or flamingos.  The notion of social programing would have started riots and we too should be screaming at our tax code.  When you call the IRS for clearification on the code the answers you get can be used against you if they think you still owe.  Think about that, if you call the tax collectors and ask how to pay your taxes and they answer you, you may have to pay a penalty for listening to them.  I am so infavor if a flat tax rate  0% for first 40K single 85K married 7% then after and 55% on all the miserable whinning POS's that are in the entertainment business that say we need to pay more taxes like Madona, Rosey O'donnell, and Alec Baldwin.
Think about that 7% should be more than enough on all income.  a family making 100,000 a year would pay 1,050 a year in federal income taxes and e ale to send kids to schools, buy a home and have the American dream.  A million aire or company making 2million a year would pay 134,050 a year in taxes.  Again more than fair.  Right now they are paying some where in the 500,000 to 600,000 in federal taxes alone.  that extra 300,000+ could be used to hire new people, increase inventory, lower prices.  or all three.

Offline jimster

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2010, 01:49:46 PM »
Uneducated masses? What candidate do you like that does not ask for taxes? Taxpayers support millions of Autistic children through SSI? Is that a waste? And the numbers increase daily. So who are these brilliant candidates that maintain services that have a modest tax? I would be more suspicious of them.

Yes, uneducated masses...who have this delusion that the trillions we pay in taxes is all lagit, who have no idea where the money is really going, who always throw out some off the wall tear jerkin blather about autistic children and people starving and actually think all the trillions they take is going only there and no place else.  Ya...those uneducated masses.

And why in the world would you equate less taxes and regulations with autistic children???  Just how do you know all the money government gets goes where it should? It don't. If you want help anyone, just do it, depending on your government to help people got us in this fix in the first place, not to mention the gobs of taxes they take don't get to the needy, very little of it gets there after it goes through several offices and pays for the staff, and their retirements, and their health care and who knows what else. Collecting taxes is a business...funded by us. A growing business.  More taxes you pay the bigger the business gets that "doles out the money"...any that's left that is.

If people keep the mentality that anyone with the brains and drive enough to make money has to pay for all the takers, the hippies, the illegals, gobs of state and federal regulations and taxes and pretty much pay for everything including ACORN, guess what, there won't be any money at all, or jobs.  Anyone smart enough to work hard and have a business, can pick their toys up and go home, and they have. Who is going to feed the people then?  Governemnt is doing so well, they don't have any money. They are not only broke, they are so far in the hole you could not even pay the interest on that debt if you took all the wealth in the entire country and put them all in the soup line. Which is where we are headed now if we keep beating up the people with the energy and drive to make real money.

This is a free country, you want to help someone, help them, you don't need a bunch of money taken from me to do that. That limits my ability to help who I want.
I might pick children with no legs or arms to help, maybe you'll pick autistic children, but you try to turn it into politics, you won't help anyone at all, everyone goes hungry.  





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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2010, 01:57:56 PM »
Uneducated masses? What candidate do you like that does not ask for taxes? Taxpayers support millions of Autistic children through SSI? Is that a waste? And the numbers increase daily. So who are these brilliant candidates that maintain services that have a modest tax? I would be more suspicious of them. 
Clearly there are some actions that the government needs to take.
the job of governemnt is to do what the private sector is not able or we do not want the private sector to do.
The Army and Police agancies for example.  We would not want the police to be private and answer to a CEO but rather a mayor.
Where I have problems is in the government setting up the rules for wallstreet.  Most of the problems we have is due to the rules.
Health care problems started when Teddy Kennedy started HMO's and PPO.  No one mentioned that the problems with health care started with the HMO and PPO rules that Kennedy started.  These politicians, the Dolts are either stupid and create these problems with their rules or they are evil and know the problems are going to occur and Government will be the answer to the problem.  Yo unever need a Dragon Slayer until there are Dragons.  And if you want to be a Dragon Slayer you try like heck to create dragons.  There is nothing that the government can do better or cheaper than private industry.  From Education to health care.  Creating the bearocracy to run these silly rules and regulations are the design of the Cubical kingdoms and all they do is create paper pushing government jobs and kill private sector jobs by increasing prices.

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2010, 02:05:46 PM »
Ever supported autistic kids? I do. A Joe job don't pay the bills. I keep my end up bit what about the 30 million parentd that don't? I have been blessed, most other parentd have not. What about them? Let's here your amazing solution! It amazes me that if someone supports taxes they are deemed "Socialist". Tell me what the educated masses have to say......

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2010, 02:08:35 PM »
Uneducated masses? What candidate do you like that does not ask for taxes? Taxpayers support millions of Autistic children through SSI? Is that a waste? And the numbers increase daily. So who are these brilliant candidates that maintain services that have a modest tax? I would be more suspicious of them.

Yes, uneducated masses...who have this delusion that the trillions we pay in taxes is all lagit, who have no idea where the money is really going, who always throw out some off the wall tear jerkin blather about autistic children and people starving and actually think all the trillions they take is going only there and no place else.  Ya...those uneducated masses.

And why in the world would you equate less taxes and regulations with autistic children???  Just how do you know all the money government gets goes where it should? It don't. If you want help anyone, just do it, depending on your government to help people got us in this fix in the first place, not to mention the gobs of taxes they take don't get to the needy, very little of it gets there after it goes through several offices and pays for the staff, and their retirements, and their health care and who knows what else. Collecting taxes is a business...funded by us. A growing business.  More taxes you pay the bigger the business gets that "doles out the money"...any that's left that is.

If people keep the mentality that anyone with the brains and drive enough to make money has to pay for all the takers, the hippies, the illegals, gobs of state and federal regulations and taxes and pretty much pay for everything including ACORN, guess what, there won't be any money at all, or jobs.  Anyone smart enough to work hard and have a business, can pick their toys up and go home, and they have. Who is going to feed the people then?  Governemnt is doing so well, they don't have any money. They are not only broke, they are so far in the hole you could not even pay the interest on that debt if you took all the wealth in the entire country and put them all in the soup line. Which is where we are headed now if we keep beating up the people with the energy and drive to make real money.

This is a free country, you want to help someone, help them, you don't need a bunch of money taken from me to do that. That limits my ability to help who I want.
I might pick children with no legs or arms to help, maybe you'll pick autistic children, but you try to turn it into politics, you won't help anyone at all, everyone goes hungry.  




No Kidding in the Great society to end poverty over the last 70 years we have spent more than if we had just given 250,000 to each family under the poverty level in 1940 and ended it then.  We have multiple agencies devoted to social programs ans welfare that need to have people in poverty for them to have there jobs.  Again the whole dragon slayer creating dragons thing.  With the taxes so high charities have dried up or have become a non Profit corperation that uses only a percentage to actually go to the people it is trying to help.  Next time you get a telemarketer calling for this charity or that ask what % goes to the event and what goes to Lobbying, and over head.  5-10 goes to the event, 30% to lobbying and the rest over head.  Where as in the 40's and 50' churches did most of the charity work with volunteer labor from the community.  When taxes went up and both adutls needed to work to ballance the house hold expenses, that volunteer staff went away as well as the donations that were 90 to 100% to the event.

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2010, 02:25:09 PM »
Ever supported autistic kids? I do. A Joe job don't pay the bills. I keep my end up bit what about the 30 million parentd that don't? I have been blessed, most other parentd have not. What about them? Let's here your amazing solution! It amazes me that if someone supports taxes they are deemed "Socialist". Tell me what the educated masses have to say......
Slow down.
Reagan showed that if we lower taxes, more $ comes into Washington.
We can use that additional revenue to pay off the debt.  look at the Welfare programs and cut some not all.  No one wants to deny any one the help they need.  I am simply saying that a state run program is not going to be as effective as a private run program funded with the same amount.  If your childs needs over whelm your finances, no one is saying you should not recieve help.  on the other side of the coin you can see where there is waist in the system, that some needs are not met because some people are scaming the system. 
With lower taxes for all more jobs are created due to more disposible incomes, with more jobs higher wages are paid as unemployment goes down.
as unemployment goes down due to more jobs more $ is available to people in the welfare system that need it.
We have 10% unemployment right now and with 10% drawing unemployment checks and not paying taxes think about what can be done for autistic, injured, sick, children everywhere.  Sorry if I some how hit a nerve with the uneducated comment.  I ment it as people that know nothing of economics, that listen to the droning of class warfare and the lack of teaching on the news as to the ramifications of the class warfare wanting to see the end of the ultra rich.
"the good news is we have taxed the UBER rich out of existance, the bad news is they employed over half of you, and now you are jobless, and the people that were middle class are not the rich and we will tax you out of existance too."

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2010, 02:35:04 PM »
All they have to do is let the people spend their own money, government gets twice as much in the end because cash spent by us gets taxed several more times before it goes full circle, they grab it our of our paychecks, it's a one time shot and that's all they get.

Reagan showed that if we lower taxes, more $ comes into Washington.

The IRS came out with some good info on this, you would think they would just do what worked before, it's all on record how much money was generated after "real" tax cuts.
Since it doesn't make sense to be so illogical, they must just be crooks. ;D


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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2010, 05:35:17 AM »
The government did not lose anything. It’s not their money to lose, it’s our money. All the BS talk in DC about the tax cuts for wealthy Americans is just that, BS. It would be a tax increase from current rates. It does not matter if taxes are raised or cut, the big government politicians are going to spend in excess of tax revenues. Implementing a tax increase in January of 11 will only give the government more money to spend. Not one dime will actually go to pay down the debt. It’s all part of a larger effort to destroy this country’s currency and economy. The ultra wealthy that are pulling the strings to achieve a new currency and shift wealth & influence to 3rd world nations is well under way. Maurice Strong has been in China since 2005 and is right now plotting with the Chinese and the UN on how run this country into the ground. He has his friends in this administration, the Fed Reserve and the world bank to help him along.

The only way to stop the destruction train is to cut the head off. Stop giving it money and force it to stop spending. It will force the close down agencies that are working (knowingly or not) to destroy us. This needs to be a serial process of events. Cut taxes across the board for everyone and every business. Then force major cuts in spending. Then we look to our trade policies to gain true fair trade with the world. Duty/tax on certain imports with certain countries can be a strategy to level this playing field and create real manufacturing jobs in the USA. today, our trade policies and corp. tax structure force US companies to off shore all kinds of jobs not just manufacturing jobs in order to stay competitive on a global scale.   

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2010, 06:28:31 AM »
+1 Dixie Dude, our administrations following Reagan were so eager to make the world equal they gave away our jobs to elevate their status, passed laws to rid the US of its evil manufacturing ways. Now, its effects are finally showing, people not working, do NOT expand their lifestyles, can't afford kids, don't buy houses. No new houses, no new schools, no new clinics, no new shopping centers. Our system relies on wealth and growth, our elected morons gave, and legislated it away. That all yields unemployment and zero job growth. Now they borrow money to pay the bills and want those still working to pay MORE taxes to replace the money they've given away.If anybody believes the so called recession is on its way out and things are getting better, remind yourself that the gooberment says that every quarter.

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2010, 08:59:34 AM »
The simple minded left.  It would seem after the infiltration of the communist  into the Democratic party of the 1930s they would wake up.  The "Reds" brought class warefare to the Democrats and like a rusty old hammer they are still swinging it.  The higher wage earners pay 70% of all income taxes.  The lower wage earners pay nothing up to 2.5%. People who pay no taxes at all recieve tax refunds. I have never been hired by anyone making less than $40,000 dollars a year. The Democrats have killed the American Golden Goose by chasing investments out of the country.  They have done it thru taxes{on the rich} and the greedy labor unions.  Obama rewarded the corrupt labor unions who have wasted retrement funds by forcing the American taxpayer to make up millions stolen from the members.  When will Obama ask for an ivestigation into what happened to those funds?  Don't hold you breath, Obama and his Chicago Mafia got millions of this for their election.  Obama now has over 1 Billion laid back for 2012.  These funds were funneled  from Americans to his next election.  But,of course it is those greedy Americans who work to make wealth that is the problem.

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Re: Where are the Reagan/Dole Republicans?
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2010, 01:48:58 PM »
Ever supported autistic kids? I do. A Joe job don't pay the bills. I keep my end up bit what about the 30 million parentd that don't? I have been blessed, most other parentd have not. What about them? Let's here your amazing solution! It amazes me that if someone supports taxes they are deemed "Socialist". Tell me what the educated masses have to say......

WHy do I have to? I supported my own children. What did people do before they could force others to pay for thier children? What gives someone the right to steal from another?
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.