I have two contractors working for me. Both have trackhoes, boring machines, backhoes, trenching machines, welding trucks, trucks, dump trucks. They are not technically millionaires by cash, but by assets. They provide several jobs to workers from 10-30 depending on work load. Like 10 permanent, and a lot of temps like Hispanics and poor. Their starting pay for the labor is $10 to $20 depending on skills. Installing gas mains, the Hispanics must have a green card and must pass drug tests to be hired. A lot of cash crosses their hands when installing gas mains, but it goes out to pay and operations expense. They usually pay bonuses at Christmas and/or buy a piece of new equipment if they make a profit. If not, they keep what they have and keep operating. When work is short, these guys travel great distances to find construction work and their bid prices are low, so as a utility we do a lot more maintenance like main replacements during slow times. As a utility company we clear about $27 million in profit each year, but we plow that back into maintenance and new equipment to stay in business as well as some bonuses. However this year, we have had to turn off a lot of people for non-pay of their bills, and the total owed us earlier in the fall was $25 million. We can hardly maintain a business like that. Some of the turn offs have been places like restaurants, even a hospital. 1/3 of our gas is going to Alabama Power to make electricity because of environmental concerns over coal, especially in Birmingham with air polution in the valley. This helps make up for what we have lost in industry, especially textiles.