At the Big E gun show in west Springfield, Mass I was lucky to find a 1933r Hex Reciever Russian 91/30 Izhevsk(IZZY) in Very good condition w/good bore for $89. It was the only hex reciever 91/30 at the whole show. There were two czech vz-52's (semi-auto 7.62x54) and a few Finnish Mosin M39's but really not much like the last show there in October. At the last gun show there was SVT-40 Tokarev's, FN49's and a few Hakims too and even some 7mm's and this trip ZERO. There was affordable chinese and russian sks's too. Its funny how each gun show changes show to show one minute this stuff is never seen then its wall to wall then its gone again. And some of the prices are kind of out there too but there is still some great finds out there too if we wait. BigBill
I think its funny how many guys come to look when you buy something at a gun show?? I walked past this gun twice and bought it the third time it just spoke to me??