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Testing new call idea
« on: December 16, 2010, 03:27:05 PM »
Here is a little sound clip on a project I'm messing with, let me know what you think of the sound, there are still things to be tweaked, so the form may be off a little, but let me know what you think of the sound.


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Re: Testing new call idea
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2010, 04:57:36 PM »
I haven't studied up too much on howling yet to know much but it sure got my dog's attention!  We've tried some howling but haven't had much success with it.  It's hard to watch Randy Anderson and not want to howl though!
Which lie got to you so that you refuse Him???

Offline calling4life

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Re: Testing new call idea
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2010, 05:14:01 PM »
He and howling are why I'm coyote hunting...

I'm still getting my new gun sighted in, I've been out a handful of times this fall so far, called in 7, many of those were with howls, or right after howls.  I will be doing some yote hunting while back home for christmas break the next few weeks as well. 

One pair in particular came in to me doing multiple dog howls on my ELK power howler.  Had already been calling for an hour or so, had done locator/challenge/female invite howls, rabbit/fox distress, growls mixed with kiyis, threw the whole bag of tricks at them, nothing.  I took the howler out for my last ditch effort, did a med-high pitched howl up and to the right, a deep howl down to the left, cut into that with a very high pitched pup off to the other side and kind of alternated like this for several howls.

Next thing I know I look to my right and two dogs are trotting in hard...  This particular one just sticks out to me, was a cool hunt, howls did it when nothing else would here.

I'm hooked on howling, it is about the calling for me and I love the interaction you can get with howls.

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Re: Testing new call idea
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2010, 03:51:44 AM »
The first time I tried howling and was successful was late in the year. I made absolutely sure I could see down wind for a few hundred yards before I started.  I let a couple of challenge howls.  And did nothing else.  About 5 minutes later, Just Like the great Randy Anderson's videos show, here pops out a male song dog from a weed line about 250yds down wind. I scope him, and you could tell be his posture and face, that he was looking for the "intruder" making the challenge.  That was his last patrol of his territory, lol.
It's all a hot mess...........

Offline Glanceblamm

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Re: Testing new call idea
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2010, 06:00:55 PM »
While I consider (Testing new call idea) to be new to you, it is obvious that you have been practicing and I like your sounds a lot.

Your howler language is genuine and this is a good place to discuss on how to put it all together.

Be great to here your thoughts on what works for you. Glad to share some of my own but am on short time & prob wont make it back here till Mon.

Offline calling4life

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Re: Testing new call idea
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2010, 08:38:07 PM »
I am a fan of a locator howl to start stands, worst case scenario nothing happens but other yotes now know there's another dog in the area.  It can add a bit of confidence to call shy dogs, so even if a guy just hit one howl to start, then did distress, I think it improves a guys odds.

However, I haven't done this long enough for my ideas to hold weight, I've done countless hours of research and watched hours upon hours of videos, but the experience isn't there yet.

I am a howler though, it has me exited to be out.  I was out today, started a stand with the sun out, thought "man, this couldn't be more perfect," 20 mins later I'm sitting in blowing snow with my visibility being cut by 70%... 

There were fresh tracks when I went in to my stand, but I set up with the wind in my face because it put the sun at my back, but, not being able to see downwind isn't the brightest move, there were more tracks than I had remembered when I left, so if it was a yote, he's educated now... ::)

Offline Glanceblamm

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Re: Testing new call idea
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2010, 07:33:43 AM »
It is a definate improvement for sure.

I will locate but may not necessarily challenge unless I hear that old dog in the group and then may single him out and heckle the dickens out of him.

I may not get a response at all but this can change sometimes by adding a bark or three in front of the long howl to show some impatients and catch attention on these spaced out sequences.

I might even challenge my own presents at times then go to distress and others will come in just to see the fight.

I have other senario's that are too lenghty to mention here but will say that I learned the language and tips from Bill Austin. This happened in 1986 and Bill was the very first one (to my knowledge) to advertise and market the Howler calls. These were a good secret of mine for at least two more years before seeing others advertise.

Bill has long since passed away but his calls and 30min narrative (mine is on cassette tape) are still being marketed at

I do have a Randy Anderson Primo's Hotdog call that I recieved as a gift. The call is ok but I like those cheap, stubby, but very durable PVC calls of Bill's because of their portability. Randy did include a CD in his package and maybe one day I will drop it in my drive to hear him out.

This experience will pay off for you.

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Re: Testing new call idea
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2010, 07:07:40 AM »
Sounds good, keep up the work.  That sounds like a call you would buy from the store.  The howls sound excellent

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