Nothing like the New years day sale and those gift certificuits recieved over the holidays so some of mine were spent on a Nikon Prostaff but in the 2x7-32mm
This one will go on my WMR as the scope that was on it slipped a cog on the elevation making it print low and lower.
Back to that Prostaff though, I got to do an instore comparison with the Nikon verse both the Bushnell banner and Sportsman series. We did have a window to view out of and in short, there was no comparison on clarity and brightness so the Nikon went home with me. All three models retail anywhere from $79 to $89 for the banner & sportsman with the Prostaff being $139 but I got it for an Internet price without having to pay the shipping.
There was a comparison on at least five different scopes done right here on this forum and I was suprised to see the Prostaff come in dead last on the low light viewing. You could have fooled me here because we are allowed to hunt deer to 1/2 hr after sunset. This is getting too late for my old eyes but is a good standard for Scope testing in my back yard. At almost 1 hr after sunset (by actual time) and in the pre dusk, viewing objects like rabbits up to 50yds, or the objects in the size range of a Fox or Coyote at 100 yds was easy with good crosshair defination! If this is a "bad scope" I sure would like to see one of those good ones in low light. Please note my scope is a 32mm while the scope in the test was a 40mm.
I have not done any shooting yet to see group sizes but the rifle preformed very well with a couple of Weavers that eventually fogged up and another non-descript 4x32 that had ran out of elevation adj.