The guys on predator masters seem to be taking a big liking to the XLR250 lights for any type of night hunting. Some of them are using the XLR250s for scanning and shooting. I guess the battery life is pretty good. I think the package comes with the light, mount, two batteries and a charger. For under $150, that would seem like a preetty good deal. Small, lightweight, ad reliable. Bigvarmnt, if you go out this time of the year, def try the coon fight sound. And be prepared for a charging coon. I have had two of them charge at me before. I will tell you right now, it will get the blood pumping. I too would like to have a nice coon skin to hang on ther wall, but I want a big one. My buddy shot this one a few years back. It was enormous! That would have made a nice skin.
The second one from the right was a PIG too.