Author Topic: fn fal vs. AR10  (Read 3479 times)

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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: fn fal vs. AR10
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2012, 02:15:31 AM »
If I do get an AR-10 platform.  I think I am going with the DPMS since Remington makes so many different caliber uppers.  I will just have to fork out the money for the Magpul mags.  Most are on back order now.  Even AR-15 uppers, and parts are sometimes on back order unless you want to pay more.  Everyone is worried about the election.  Also, I have been in weekly meetings in Birmingham recently.  I stop by Mark's Sporting Goods every week on my way back home.  He is selling 100's of AR style weapons as well as M1A's.  One week he had about 15 M1A's in the $900 range, the next week they were gone.  One week he had DPMS AR-15's for $600 range, the good ones, not the ones without the forward bolt assist and with dust covers.  He had 13 of these, they are gone.  Last week he had S&W's in the $700 range.  I will see what he has left.  He has a few 308 platforms, not many, they are in the $1,300-$2,500 range, with DPMS being the lowest price.  He was completely out of 308 mags of anykind and has them on back order.  He did have a barrel full of plastic AR-15 mags for about $20.  He sells high capacity pistols like candy bars.  He is the largest gun dealer in the south.  His prices are comparable to Wal-mart on the same items.